Hmmm...Im still fairly new myself.

As to the setup. The two boxes that run individual strains will start to lag behind. After a while, the team strain will pass it up on muon yield (assuming there is more collective computing power on the team strain)

And heres where Im not sure. I dont know how the client chooses from the results.dat for the next generation. It might randomly choose, or only take the best out of the results.dat. If its the latter, the two individual strains would never be picked after they are passed up, making them useless to the team strain.

So, not sure. I'll go ask on their forums too.

How bout this setup (means more work). You have one box that is a 'gateway' to your other two/three boxen. The gateway box is nearly always up to date and using the team strain. The other boxen periodically (once a week? two weeks?) take the team strain and start working on it individually in isolation, merging their results with the team strain but not using it. This way they can stay up to date on muon yield, but have time to try a different path before being re-incorporated into the team strain.

Hope this makes sense.

Say, the team strain is at 2%. The individual boxen (lets call them developers, or dev boxen) grab the merged team strain and isolate themselves. For the next week or so, they work on that strain, updating the team. But they dont use the team strain, a that would contaminiate their progress and introduce inbreeding.

At the end of the period, they grab the latest team strain and start the process over.

This would allow for the most optimial breeding program, while reducing inbreeding. Since each box has a period of time to work on the current strain individually, a new and better strain can be found and incorporated. But the periodic update from the team strain allows it to stay up to date. The best of both worlds. Inbreeding will occur, but not nearly as bad as before.

Whatcha think?

If everyone did this (each box updating the team strain daily, but only grabbing once a week or so), it could do some interesting things.