This thread is democracy and freedom in action. Democracy is a messy business. You have to become involved in order to keep it. It is not a spectator sport.

Having an opinion on one side or the other is acceptable if you have investigated both sides and believe you have all the available facts. Then you make your decision. I've looked at the Administrations reasons and I find them specious. All presidents lie. History shows this. To believe otherwise is to reject reality.

If you think that lies were told to get us to into war with Iraq but, now that we've caught most of the bad guys (while our troops still die), everything is getting better, then you are saying the means justify the end and you've really lost. That way opens up a Pandora's box of abuse of power on a vast scale.

If standing up for the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, reminding people of lies told, and commenting on the increasing power in the Executive vs the Judicial and Congressional is considered an extremeist view..then so be it.

"If you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything" - A cute saying but true.

"Those who would sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither" - George Washington

"The government does not exist to keep the citizen from error. The citizen exists to keep the government from error"


And because I take life too seriously -

"Sic Gorgiamus Allos Subjectatus Nunc. We would gladly feast on those who would subdue us."

"Not just pretty words Fester"