OK, how about this for a suggestion for a new cross-denomination, cross project/sub-project MM version of a a SuperDuperBok, that might appeal, due to it being slightly ridiculous, and nearly impossible to get, and therefore potentially very mysterious!
Here goes. For every value-based MM, you get one of these when you hit the target on the nose. So for every Project and Subproject, if I were to have actually achieved a score of exactly 1 Million (or 1K/10K/25K/50K etc.), then I would get one of these. Obviously there has to be a level of tolerance to accommodate projects that give out decimal cobblestones, just like of for Trigggls/Boks etc. but it has to be brutal - it is +/- 0.5.
Not sure how easy it would be to code for but I just thought I would throw it into the pot. I would imagine that at the same time you are accumulating all the value related MM’s you could stick a plus one into a new counter for each one that is bang on.
In case you go for it, I have thought up some suggestions for a name for this new MM, and offer up the following selection. Nebbers, Conks or Brightys - my favourite is Nebber.
I openly confess that I only thought of this when I realised that I had achieved a second one of them today, without actually trying to. I would currently get one for the Primaboinca project where I have exactly 1M, and one for SRBase’s ‘Sierpinski Base’ Sub-project where I have – probably fleetingly - exactly 250K.
It’s actually quite easy to check if you have any as a quick scan down the Score column on CPIUD page and the SubProject page looking for the exact MM target numbers.
For something like this it would be nonsense to have a limit of more than one before it showed, as I suspect that very few people will have any at all, never mind more than one – I would not be remotely surprised to find that I was in the number one spot with two.
So, mysterious and hard to get. Are you not a wee bit tempted? :-)