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Thread: Ravage! Travesty! Crave!

  1. #1
    Senior Member MarkRBright's Avatar
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    Ravage! Travesty! Crave!

    This suggestion is to amuse those out there who, like me, feel the need to find more unconventional ways to make yourself look good in the stats.
    For some time now I have been calculating in my spreadsheet 3 values which I thought it might be time to share in case it appealed to anyone else, and in the hope that Bok decides to stick them up on Free-DC's userbycpid page where I think they might belong.

    All three are easily derived in pretty much the same way from the mms page.

    Ravage is the Average of the RankP column - currently 117 for me whilst I rank 2059 in the world for credits alone! Yes I am that good!
    Travesty is the Average of the RankT column - currently 4, whilst I rank 17th in my team! - The Scottish Boinc Team.
    and Crave is the Average of the RankC column - currently 7, whilst I rank 105th in the UK!

    My conventional totals for Projects and Subprojects are nothing much to write home about, but I feel pretty good about those numbers above, as they have given me an additional set of targets over the last year or so, namely that of slowly but surely trying to bring down the big numbers in the MMS table to in turn bring down Ravage, Travesty and Crave. Just another way in which Free-DC can hold peoples interest and give them something to shoot for whilst doing lots of good Boincing.

    I would like to suggest that these numbers be shown in the top section of the userbycpid page underneath the Percentile.
    It might put the cat among the pigeons a bit as I suspect a fair few of the big guns might have bigger numbers than they might expect, and perhaps others like me will be able to smugly grin for a week or two until those big guns address their numbers - if indeed they wish to do so.

    In case you hate the names Bok, then my original ones were Prankerage, Crankerage and Trankerage. But I just liked the ones I suggested above as they were just a little less obvious as to what they were.
    OK that's it, I'll leave it to the Free-DC world to decide if its a good idea or not - I'll still be calculating them in my spreadsheet anyway so it doesn't really matter to me.

    Just as a throwaway, there is also the option to throw in Manage (or Maverage) which is of course the Average of the Many column. I've got a 70 in that one.

    Keep on Boincing - at least until Quantum Computing makes it redundant.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Dirk Broer's Avatar
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    If Crankerage/Crave gets through then finally my mistake, made some 20 years ago while crunching for IBM, will pay off. Thinking that Seti@Home would use the ISO land codes I didn't look up my home country, and suddenly found myself back on the British Virgin islands, where I am now -twenty years later- local King of Boinc scores.

  3. #3
    Senior Member MarkRBright's Avatar
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    I am sure its a very cool (or warm even) place to live.
    But I think you should get out for a run wearing a "Stop me to find out all there is to know about BOINCing!" T-shirt and do some promoting! Or as it's the British Virgin Islands maybe "Stay Calm and Boinc On!". You need some competition! Dirk
    You could put on the back of the T-shirt "Please don't tell me this isn't the British Virgin Islands" Possibly in Dutch

    So I just upped my Ravage to 115 with a last flourish of (Sub)Clanks before I hang up my Boinc Boots. :-(
    It's a shame I may never see the true value of Nebbers (One last NAG! Bok ) , but it has been extremely good fun and a hugely rewarding experience that I can't recommend highly enough to people thinking about it - who almost certainly won't be reading this.
    Thank you to everyone who I have interacted with over the years, this is a really great community, with some great people on board.

    Sorry I didn't mean to say all that but Covid has taken it's toll here financially and apart from trying to get one last final SubTrigggl over the next few days, to get one last final Maxwell (to get one last final Squarepants ), I have reached a logical stopping point anyway (or so I keep telling myself ) and have been closing down my PCs one by one of late. I'll probably keep one going in the background - Weeeeelllll! I have always dreamed of 1M in WUProp -
    Bye all and thanks for all the Stones!
    Last edited by MarkRBright; 12-14-2020 at 04:52 AM.

  4. #4
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    The subnebbers coding will get done, hopefully next week as I finish work for the year this friday. And work has been crazy busy!! A failed migration this weekend where I was up till 4am friday night and 6.30am saturday night/sunday morning fixing the fallout..

    As for your new suggestions - I can do those, I just wouldn't want to rank them across users because of course for team average, one could alwyas create a new team on each project, not allow new members and get a perfect 1.

  5. #5
    Senior Member MarkRBright's Avatar
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    Hey Bok that would be great, and you sound like you need a holiday from work!
    I wouldn't expect to see them ranked in any way, they are after all just averages of ranks and at the end of the day that would probably be meaningless to then rank! As they are they will maybe motivate people - maybe not.
    It'll take me a few days to get my annoyingly slow Ithena Subtrigggl, so I should still be around to see Nebbers in all it's glory and I can't see me losing touch with this totally as I no doubt will feel the need to jump all over any new Project and Project even if only to get another Trigggl to avoid losing the Maxwell for it again ... etc.
    I think I am actually addicted to Free-DC rather than to Boincing - which is of course good for Boincing and possibly the highest praise I can give your work.
    Thanks yet again.

  6. #6
    Senior Member MarkRBright's Avatar
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    I just realised something you said Bok that I think might be worth mentioning to save you some time. You mentioned SubNebbers but I was never suggesting Nebbers and SubNebbers, Nebbers was something that would include all value break MMs and as such would include both Project and Subproject 10Ks etc. I don't really mind if you want to do them separately but they weren't proposed or envisaged that way and I think doing it that way would take something away from the mystique of the Nebber

  7. #7
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    yeah, doing them as subnebbers is easy and I could do that today, combining them is the hard part that needs table changes and such, but that's what I'm going to do.

  8. #8
    Senior Member MarkRBright's Avatar
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    Sorry, I had no idea that was the reason it was tricky. As far as I am concerned do them as SubNebbers then, it really isn't an issue at all, at least for me, and like I said - you sound like you need this holiday!

  9. #9
    Senior Member MarkRBright's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarkRBright View Post
    Just as a throwaway, there is also the option to throw in Manage (or Maverage) which is of course the Average of the Many column. I've got a 70 in that one.
    Perhaps as it stands slightly on it's own "Maverick" would be better.

  10. #10
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Can you take a look at the nebbers on stats6 and see if that is lining up how you would expect ? It should be the total of the regular + the subproject numbers now.

    You may notice something else on that page too..
    Last edited by Bok; 12-27-2020 at 03:50 PM.

  11. #11
    Senior Member MarkRBright's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bok View Post
    Can you take a look at the nebbers on stats6 and see if that is lining up how you would expect ? It should be the total of the regular + the subproject numbers now.

    You may notice something else on that page too..
    Excellent - I was expecting to have 60 Nebbers once Subs were included and I have 61 - Not sure if you are right or my spreadsheet is. I will check them tomorrow morning when the numbers should be in sync and see which if either is amiss.
    I am liking the change to the userbycpid page too, though a while back I added a decimal place to my spreadsheet as I wanted to know how close I was to bringing them down a step. I don't mind if you do or you don't but I think it would be better with 1dp.
    Thanks as ever Bok - I love it.

  12. #12
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Yup, it's calculating to 4DP anyway and I was rounding it up, I set it to 1

    select round(avg(projrank),1) as ravage from static.boinc_milestone_makers where cpid = '$cpid'

  13. #13
    Senior Member MarkRBright's Avatar
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    Thanks and well done! Your stat6 has highlighted a failing in my spreadsheet that I hadn't noticed. I was not counting a Nebber if my total was exactly on the upper limit! Good for you! I doubt that will happen often so that's a good test, so as far as I am concerned roll it out when you are ready!

    Any thoughts on Maverick? (Average of the Many Column to 1dp). It's fairly meaningless, but I think because of that it's quite a nice one to encourage new Boincers to Free-DC, and could validly be put into the MMs table itself, in that it's actually directly related to Squarepants as it is effectively (Squarepants x 2) / Count of MMs. There is an argument for excluding Squarepants when calculating the average, or, perhaps simpler and quicker, just simplifying it to (Squarepants / MM Count). My current Maverick is 72.2 as it includes Squarepants (effectively twice). Without it, it would be 36.1 - I think it's as broad as it's long but I like it better at 72.2 But if you go with it I would be happy either way. ;-)

  14. #14
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Since it's the same calculation as the others , just on a different field, I added it there

  15. #15
    Senior Member MarkRBright's Avatar
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    Fair enough, though I do think it would have a place being ranked alongside Squarepants. But it will do me.
    I shall now happily continue to drift away, forever regretting not getting those last 2 each of Sub5ms, Sub10Ms and Sub25ms to give me the best Maverick ever held by someone who's not even in the top 2000. :-)
    Thanks again.

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