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Thread: A new measure of greatness ;-)

  1. #1
    Senior Member MarkRBright's Avatar
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    A new measure of greatness ;-)

    OK so I'm winding down with Boinc after 10 years, after much thought, debate and putting it off, and basically finding one excuse after another to keep going that overrides the fact that everything tells me that lack of work since Covid has meant I can not justify the cost of the electricity. Roll on Quantum computers - I think I have plenty of quantums going spare that I am not using ;-)

    I love the concept behind Boinc, I love doing tiny bits of science to help science, but I also love that I can 'massage' my stats by picking and choosing projects and subprojects to maximise my various rankings. It just adds to the experience in my view. Some out there are aware that I am a bit of a spreadsheet nerd with regard to Boinc, and have persuaded Bok to introduce a couple of Milestones in the past. Anyway it's been interesting to watch my various Free-DC stats change as I gradually focus on fewer and fewer milestones that I want to achieve.

    So it set me thinking. I have always maintained in my spreadsheets two numbers in particular that are not available in Free-DCs excellent summaries. The first is the "best count I have ever achieved for each MegaMilestone", and the second is the total of all of these best counts. Now I am not suggesting that these be stored, however as my Squarepants dwindles, primarily due to a lack of Clanks and SubClanks, which in turn lead to less MiRBs, SubMiRBs and Maxwells, I realised that an ex-Clank (and related) total could in fact be a universally rankable measure of any Boincer. With this number you could compare yourself in Free-DC terms with anyone and everyone that has ever Boinced, whether or not you were actively Boincing. It would be a good measure of just how big a contributor you have been over the years and it would live on, in that even if you have long stopped Boincing, for whatever reasons, you could pop back into Free-DC and have a quick look and be able to say "Ooh! I am still in the top 10000!" or whatever.

    So here's what I am suggesting. A new ranked MegaMilestone, which is essentially Squarepants assuming both Clanks and SubClanks were 0, and taking into account the effects of them being 0. Simple! ;-)

    In short this number is the number of Squarepants any Boincer would have in a month's time if she/he stopped Boincing today1 (obviously you can't allow for the likes of Ralph sitting on work that's been done for a couple of months ;-)
    This number puts everyone past and present on a more or less level playing field. and could (I would argue should) be Ranked to make it significantly more meaningful. It should not itself be added to Squarepants, nor should it contribute in any way to MiRBs, TeraMiRBs and Maxwells in my opinion

    I can hear some of you saying that Total Credits is as good a Rankable indicator of everyone's contribution and is all we need, and it is already there. To a large extent - that is of course, true. However, there have been the odd times where a Project has 'skewed' the entirety of stats with its 'generosity' and it is possible this could happen again, but this is to some extent, smoothed by this new suggested MM and more importantly by its Ranking.

    As for a name for it, as I wrote this I thought how it Levels, Smooths, hints towards historic ranking, and how slightly odd it would be, sat there enigmatically changing relatively little compared to Squarepants, and it seems to me I would called it Enigma.

    So what do you think?

    1 In theory the number should take into account the effect of removing Clanks and SubClanks on other MMs (effectively taking off zero, one or two off each of MiRBs, TeraMiRBs and Maxwells as appropriate), and then taking into account if that decrease in MiRBs, TeraMiRBs and Maxwells would in itself further affect the levels of MiRBs, TeraMiRBs and Maxwells! This just seems to be going too far. I would happily accept the argument that the total possible effect of removing them and their effect on each other could only ever affect the score by between 0 and 12 so if it couldn't be readily done, it wouldn't be the end of the world - the most dramatic effect would be that your score in fact dropped by a very few, a month after finally stopping Boincing.

  2. #2
    Senior Member MarkRBright's Avatar
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    LOL! Clearly you need to be a retiree to think this is a good idea worth pursuing, and just maybe they don't come to the forum very often I should have thought of that.
    Either that or I am just so longwinded that eyes glazed over long before I got to the point. Probably both. Points, not eyes, though that too!

  3. #3
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    I confess that i did read it, but did not understand it.

    Too much going on this week anyway, got an SAP Production migration this weekend and with all my colleagues in Dallas struggling with power/heat/water due to the storm there it's only more crazy

  4. #4
    Senior Member MarkRBright's Avatar
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    OK Sorry. Let me have another go.

    Total Credit is a good indication of any Boincers status, and I would never take that away from anyone. However, if you take out Bitcoin from the equation that would change the league table / rankings dramatically, so those who poured their resources into Bitcoin will pretty much inevitably be always and for all time ranked higher than others who did not, quite possibly because Bitcoin didn't last very long and they just weren't there at the time. Yet others may well have in reality contributed more CPU/GPU time.

    So I was looking for another method of ranking Boincers past and present, active and inactive, against each other, without taking Bitcoin achievements out of the equation. It seems to me that Squarepants is as good a measure as any other and better than most.

    However, as I personally was forced to wind down the number of machines I was turning on to Boinc every day, and consider what projects I wanted to get to some meaningful total before stopping completely, I watched my Squarepants tally drop quite significantly due to the effect of fewer Clanks and SubClanks, and in turn as they dropped, it took a small toll on my MiRB's, TeraMiRBs and Maxwells. This, believe it or not, then in turn took a further toll on Maxwells, TeraMiRBs and MiRBs!!! As you can get each of them for the other two! But never mind that.

    So my thoughts turned to a system of fairness in creating a sort of Historical Free-DC Hall of Fame. It seems to me if you were to total up all the MegaMilestones Except Clanks and SubClanks, and ideally exclude any MiRBs, TeraMiRBs and Maxwells that are associated with them, then that could be just such a measure to compare everyone past and present on as equal a footing as we are likely to find. Call the total Enigmas because it probably is, and rank it for all Boincers, and there you have a fairly sensible Free-DC Hall of Fame.

    And for reasons that I would hope are obvious, I would exclude Enigmas from being included in Squarepants, and would be tempted to suggest that you don't get a MiRB, TeraMiRB or Maxwell for Enigmas either.

    Hope that's clearer. And hope you get through the coming weekend Bok.
    Last edited by MarkRBright; 02-17-2021 at 12:38 PM. Reason: Typos

  5. #5
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    Mark, I hope you don't leave Boinc forever. Actually I hope you don't leave Boinc at all...

    Regarding this new MM, I assume that it only goes up and not down matching your best achievement at any given time. I think this is a lot better than merely total credits as it would include other MM factors as well. I for one have always tried for those other factors as my limited computing power has never given me a chance to push any sort of credit record.

    As for calling it Enigma, I would like to say that it sounds too similar to the Boinc project named Enigma. As an alternative name I, in an act of self aggrandizement, would like to see it called Werin....but like all my other MM suggestions that suggestion too will likely result in a belly flop. A more likely name, probably thought of by someone else, would be "Pinnacle" as it is the best that anyone has achieved.

  6. #6
    Senior Member MarkRBright's Avatar
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    I think something that only ever went up would give Bok too much of a headache in calculating it, when individual MMs went down.
    I was aiming for something that stayed pretty static for Ranking purposes, but now you have made me realise that it would be more static, and I think be much easier for Bok to calculate, if not only the Clanks/SubClanks/Squarepants were excluded but also the various (Sub)Top10's etc, Vaios, Maxwells, MiRBs and TeraMiRBs too, as they will generally decline as others pick up the torch. If they were taken out, then this new tally would stay static, and would therefore provide a stable basis for subsequent Ranking, and it is the Ranking that this is really all about.

    Pinnacle seems a little odd given that it will undoubtedly be a smaller number than Squarepants. Perhaps Brightys or Rankems? Oh! How about Enigmax?
    Last edited by MarkRBright; 02-19-2021 at 03:53 AM. Reason: Clarity

  7. #7
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    I saw Enigmax and I thought of shipping size limits...panamax, suezmax, chinamax, etc....

  8. #8
    Senior Member MarkRBright's Avatar
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    So was I right? Is this one that only the retiring / retired are interested in? Perhaps the reason they don't come back (and comment on this) is because there is no EnigMax to tempt them back!
    I am more and more convinced (as I play with the numbers in my spreadsheets) that excluding all the Top's/SubTop's, Vaios, Maxwells, MiRBs and TeraMiRBs as well as the Clanks / SubClanks, gives a fairly solid and static rankable Free-DC achievement level. But it has occurred to me that some of the great Boincers of the past may have Boinced for many years with relatively little kit, so I am now thinking of adding a weighting for the number of years boinced. This would make it trickier as you would have to track a last activity date, but it would also encourage people to stick with it. I am open to suggestions as to how this could be done but I am thinking along the lines of adding a 19% bonus if you've Boinced for 19 years sort of thing.
    As I said though, the significance is not in the number itself - but in the Rank - so it could be put up into the header on the main stats page if it was easier - though ideally blinking with flashing lights and music and some animated fireworks when you hover over it.
    And obviously it should allow you to click it and look at the Hall of Fame.
    Given how I know you like the odd bit of mysterious Bok it would be quite funny if the only place anyone could work out how it was calculated was in this thread.
    I would love to know where I rank on this. All I currently know is I have an EnigMax of 1607 by the above suggested definition (including weighting) and I suspect my rank is a long way short of my Squarepants Rank.
    Last edited by MarkRBright; 03-01-2021 at 04:51 AM. Reason: Typos

  9. #9
    Senior Member MarkRBright's Avatar
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    Just had a thought about the name - Legacy. Something you would build up and would leave/keep forever sort of thing. Does that sound better? It's also slightly enigmatic, and slightly Pinnacle-ish

    Come on now Bok, you've been far too quite here. What's your view on this? If you just hate it then that's fine by me, but I don't think you will, and now you have me worried about that storm!

  10. #10
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Just feeling a bit burnt out right now, waiting for inspiration.

    This hurts my brain to think about, maybe I need it written out a bit clearer

  11. #11
    Senior Member MarkRBright's Avatar
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    Sorry - it kind of evolved in my meanderings - I'll try again. Forget all that went before.

    Free-DC Legacy (or EnigMax) is intended to be a measure of "All Time Achievement" in Free-DC terms. It hopefully provides a 'standard' by which all Boincers past and present can be fairly compared and ranked, and to a large extent negates the effect of the slant given by the likes of Bitcoin Utopia and maybe some others I don't know about.

    To do this I am suggesting that you total all Free-DC MegaMilestones that are not affected by time, so that it doesn't matter if you haven't Boinced for years or not, you could still occasionally look in on your Legacy.

    So we need to specifically count:- Projects and Subprojects, all the count breaks (1ks, 10ks, etc, Sub1k's Sub10k's etc) Trigggls, Boks, TeraBoks etc (and their Sub equivalents) and Nebbers.

    Or to put it another way count all MMs except :- SquarePants, Maxwells, MiRBs and SubMiRBs, Vaios, Top10s, Top100 Ranks etc (and their Sub equivalents), Clanks and SubClanks.

    There may well be others I don't even know about but hopefully you get the gist, if they are affected by time then they are excluded. Obviously any new MM's would have to be considered for inclusion in the Legacy count.

    Optional Length of Service Weighting
    Having gotten a total, a 'bonus' or weighting could then be applied to reward longer term Boincers. I would suggest a 1% or 2% bonus for every year Boinced. I am open about this but appreciate you would need to track a "Last Seen Date" as well as the current "First Seen Date", and update it yearly or daily, whichever seems right - and that may well be impossible to do retrospectively, though it may be in your database somewhere in some form or another. If it can't be done then hey ho, never mind.
    So it would look something like this:-
    Legacy = Total of Counts x (( 100 + No of years service) / 100 )

    Optional Total Credit Rank Weighting
    Perhaps there is an opportunity for another weighting based on total credits earned which might appease the heavy Bitcoin Utopia Boincers. I've only just thought of this and I am not altogether sure it is a good idea, but you could weight the count like this
    Legacy = Total of Counts x (( 100 + Percentile ) / 100 ) Note: Where Percentile comes from the main userbycpid summary
    You could do both. It might make it more interesting because it would make it even harder to work out where on earth the rank came from

    However you arrive at a Legacy number, this should then be ranked which is really the point of it.

    To keep changes simpler, the Legacy Count itself and subsequent Free-DC Legacy Rank, need not appear on the MM table. I would be happy with just the Legacy Rank appearing in the main userbycpid summary, where we can all see just how good (or not) our Legacy will be, though it would be nice if clicking it could show everyone in Ranked order if that is possible - I imagine it could possibly increase rivalry.

    I would argue that Legacy itself should not contribute towards any other MM, particularly Maxwells, MiRBs and TeraMiRBs, and certainly not Squarepants.
    I also think that whilst it might sound complicated, it's not much different from counting and ranking Squarepants

    I hope that makes sense now. Happy to answer any questions. Cheers.
    Last edited by MarkRBright; 03-04-2021 at 08:06 PM. Reason: Clarity

  12. #12
    Senior Member MarkRBright's Avatar
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    I can't believe nobody thinks enough of this idea to comment on it one way or the other. Weird!
    Perhaps most current people looking have heavily invested in Bitcoin Utopia, fair enough, if I had I would probably think the same way.
    However I for one still feel having some form of leveller across time would be good.
    Oh well. I will retire shortly safe in the knowledge that once I had reached the dizzy heights of 1937th in the rankings, but have since dropped steadily to 2110th today and my contribution will forever become more and more meaningless. Hey Ho!

  13. #13
    Senior Member MarkRBright's Avatar
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    Just thought I would remind all the many interested parties that I am still happy to answer any questions

  14. #14
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    I did a little bit of work on this but didn't get that far yet.

  15. #15
    Senior Member MarkRBright's Avatar
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    Cool. Very happy to hear it.

  16. #16
    Senior Member MarkRBright's Avatar
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    So I've just calculated my Legacy value by adding up the non-time related MMs and used both of the above optional weightings and come up with a grand total of 3249.
    It's probably worth mentioning that I used a decimal for "No of years service". Just to be clear, I have done 9.49 years of Boincing for example so I get a 9.49% bonus.
    If anyone wants to compare that's fine but without a rank it's pretty meaningless, so if you all want to post your Legacy values here ....
    Last edited by MarkRBright; 04-08-2021 at 12:17 PM. Reason: Accuracy

  17. #17
    Senior Member MarkRBright's Avatar
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    So its 3 weeks and some later, and after a monumental effort I have managed to rank all the manually calculated Legacy values posted here and I am now in a position to publish the entire ranked Legacy list here and it looks like this ;-)

    1. MarkRBright 3268

    So glad you have all joined in with this one and taken it to heart

    I have about a weeks worth of excuses left before finally giving up with what's left of my farm (bit more like a window box these days though), so I thought one last nudge to you Bok for Legacy. I shall keep one PC going, albeit only when it's actively in use from now on. I still think Legacy is my best idea by miles and would love to see it implemented, but whilst this thread has been read over 1000 times, it seems only Werimbert agrees with me (Thank you!) though it may just have been an attempt to claim the name

    To all of you who will one day be forced to, or feel the need to, or just want to, stop BOINCing, and would like to have something lasting and fairly solid to remember/remind/reward/rank you for your efforts over the years, that you could just pop in and check up on from time to time, you could always consider giving this thread a kick, and if you are more successful than me please message me as I would love to know just how far down the pecking order I really am.

    Bok, Thankyou for humouring me over the years, it was much appreciated.

  18. #18
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    OK, so my week's wind-down unsurprisingly took a little longer than expected, but after notching up my final Bok, I have no more excuses available to me and it's time to bite the bullet.
    I have a snapshot of my spreadsheet as it stands today with it's best numbers about to be decimated by inactivity, but I know just how good or bad I was, I have MY Legacy!
    I shall doubtless call in every now and again (and if I spot a new project, I may just be tempted to quickly notch up another 100k/Bok/Nebber/Project and of course up my Legacy), but for now I leave with an unopposed Legacy of 3290, firmly in the number one (and only) slot! With any luck if I pop back in I will have been put in my correct place. I sincerely hope I am Bok.
    I shall really miss this, but needs must, and with any luck Quantum Computing will make this all unnecessary one day anyway, who knows?
    The most important thing is that I was having fun doing it and keeping my ageing brain occupied, I hope I did some small modicum of good. Keep up the good work all of you. (Now where's that electricity bill?)

  19. #19
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    I pretty much do the same thing. Got 2 24core machines switched off, plus my kids each have a dual hexcore not doing much of anything. I jump on anything new and that's about it.

    As for coding, still knee deep in work stuff. Been learning a lot of Azure stuff, Data Factory and Databricks (python and Spark stuff) for interfacing. Lots of other stuff going on in life too, some bad unfortunately. Having to take of all that first which is slow going.

  20. #20
    Senior Member MarkRBright's Avatar
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    thanks for that Bok, glad to hear the idea is not dead - I will look in from time to time to hopefully find out just how bad I really am

  21. #21
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    Ha! So exactly a month after I all but stop, I got two emails telling me I had new badges! So I thought I'll take a look and update my BOINC spreadsheet with them.
    While doing that, I decided to update my spreadsheet with the latest numbers and see what effect my relative inactivity has had on them and whether or not my Legacy had been affected in an unpredicted way.
    So my Squarepants has nosedived, largely due to Clanks and SubClanks and their associated hit on Maxwells, MiRBs and TeraMiRBs. My rankings have been hit hard too, down 200 in the world (and falling) in such a short time, It took so much longer to climb those 200 places. And my Ravage was been ... well ... ravaged!!!

    But to my delight, my Legacy had actually gone up by one (due to continued Boincing, albeit on a very small scale) to 3293. I consider that a triumph!
    And of course the big news is I am still at number 1 in the Legacy Rankings! Cool! It seems there is nobody is anywhere near my exalted position - quite literally!

    Until the next badge ...

    Note I find it interesting that my Ravage wasn't as bad as I expected and that is because I had lost all my SubClanks and therefore, my earlier dropping-like-a-stone SubClank Rank had just gone away in a puff of smoke! Bonus!

  22. #22
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    Hi all. So, as I know (judging by the number of people who read this after a post) that you are all chomping at the bit to find out what another full month of relative inactivity will do to your Legacy score ;-) I have just updated my trusty spreadsheet.
    I can tell you that when your time comes to do this, the following are the most noticeable points:

    Your Overall Rank will continue to climb - dropped 232 places from my peak, and no doubt will continue to do so.

    Of all the megamilestones your Squarepants will fall most emphatically, down 42 on my best. Mostly made from (Sub)Clanks/(Sub)MiRBs/Maxwells, but also the odd (Sub)Top10/Vaio etc

    Your Ravage is actually the most surprising. After a bit of inactivity, when you go from 0 to 1 Subclanks, your rank (at least on my spreadsheet) goes from 0 to thousands, so your Ravage surges. After a further 30 days of no SubClank activity the Rank effectively becomes 0 and bang! Your Ravage actually improves! Never saw that one coming, I now just slap in an arbitrary 9999 (or most relevant bunch of 9's) MM Rank when an MM totally disappears from my MM table.

    The Big one - the one we have all been waiting for! Your Legacy - assuming you had one of course, and assuming you get one of course, will continue to rise! :-) Not by much. In my case by around 1 a month because I still have a couple of PCs who's idle-but-not-quite-sleeping time knocks out a few Milky Ways every day. This is easier to manage than calculating a fake "I've been inactive since .." Date and sticking it into my calculation.

    And that's it. Can't see much point in coming back other than to see how many people read this in the hope that it has finally become interesting! At the time of writing it was 2389 Sorry if I got your hopes up
    Last edited by MarkRBright; 07-29-2021 at 03:05 AM. Reason: Clarity

  23. #23
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarkRBright View Post
    Hi all. So, as I know (judging by the number of people who read this after a post) that you are all chomping at the bit to find out what another full month of relative inactivity will do to your Legacy score ;-) I have just updated my trusty spreadsheet.
    I can tell you that when your time comes to do this, the following are the most noticeable points:

    Your Overall Rank will continue to climb - dropped 232 places from my peak, and no doubt will continue to do so.

    Of all the megamilestones your Squarepants will fall most emphatically, down 42 on my best. Mostly made from (Sub)Clanks/(Sub)MiRBs/Maxwells, but also the odd (Sub)Top10/Vaio etc

    Your Ravage is actually the most surprising. Get a single Subclank and your SubClank count goes from 0 to 1 but your rank (at least on my spreadsheet) goes from 0 to the thousands so your Ravage surges. After 30 days of no SubClank activity the Rank effectively becomes 0 and bang your Ravage actually improves! Never saw that one coming, I now just slap in an arbitrary 9999 (or nearest best 9's) MM Rank when an MM totally disappears from the MM table.

    Your Legacy - assuming you had one of course, and assuming you get one of course, will continue to rise. :-) in my case by around 1 a month because I still have a couple of PCs who's idle-but-not-quite-sleeping time knocks out a few Milky Ways every day. This is easier to manage than calculating a fake "I've been inactive since .." Date and sticking it into my calculation.

    And that's it. Can't see much point in coming back other than to see how many people read this in the hope that it has finally become interesting! At the time of writing it was 2389 Sorry if I got your hopes up
    I still find it interesting

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bok View Post
    I still find it interesting
    That is not good news! That suggests that there is a slim chance that one day, I might get an innocuous email telling someone has posted to this thread, and I will come looking only to find out that I have plummeted from Number 1 in the imaginary Legacy League of all time Boincing Greats, to somewhere around the 5000 mark in the real, newly created version!
    No! Don't do it Bok! I'm begging you!
    I like being number 1!!!

  25. #25
    Senior Member MarkRBright's Avatar
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    Erm ... just in case anybody (Bok in particular!) took me seriously in that last message, I actually really look forward to finding out just how near the bottom (or top) I would be!
    I hope to some day take my rightful place somewhere near the middle of the pile.

    So just out of interest, does anybody out there agree with me? Or feel strongly about it? One way or the other? Or do you all just think ... meh!?
    I would really like to know as I am surprised at the apparent total lack of interest in this idea apart from what might just boil down to politeness from Bok.
    Quite a few continue to read this thread, but nobody seems to think enough of it to post.

  26. #26
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    My heartfelt apologies go out to Werinbert who did actually comment (and quite positively too) about this back in February, and also to the ever patient Bok.

  27. #27
    Free-DC Semi-retire gopher_yarrowzoo's Avatar
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    Gosh my brain hurts a little but only because it's Sunday morning and I retired from Boinc pretty much 9 years ago so I have totally missed out on Bitcoin etc... can't really crunch on an Android phone too much and my main quad is well still packed from when I moved, laptop crashed and never recovered plus its 10 years old...
    I do drop in here from time to time...
    All good ideas and I really need to brush up on my php,js,Python skills
    Semi-retired from Free-DC...
    I have some time to help.....
    I need a new laptop,but who needs a laptop when you have a phone...
    Now to remember my old computer specs..

  28. #28
    Free-DC Semi-retire gopher_yarrowzoo's Avatar
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    Gosh my brain hurts a little but only because it's Sunday morning and I retired from Boinc pretty much 9 years ago so I have totally missed out on Bitcoin etc... can't really crunch on an Android phone too much and my main quad is well still packed from when I moved, laptop crashed and never recovered plus its 10 years old...
    I do drop in here from time to time...
    All good ideas and I really need to brush up on my php,js,Python skills
    Semi-retired from Free-DC...
    I have some time to help.....
    I need a new laptop,but who needs a laptop when you have a phone...
    Now to remember my old computer specs..

  29. #29
    Senior Member MarkRBright's Avatar
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    So, how is it that these adverts put it?
    100% of all those who expressed a preference think it's a good idea!
    Yup! That's the one!
    I don't think any of you will ever beat me though! I am at number one because I am simply the best , with a Legacy currently standing at 3299 and firmly in the number 1 spot, and until I plummet to around 5000th when this is implemented I am going to continue to enjoy the experience.

    Sorry for continually posting to this but I just want to keep it alive, and I continue to hope that other people (like you!) will think about it and respond to it saying "Good idea! I like it! "

  30. #30
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    So, I’ve just been having a little play with Legacy and I decide to calculate it for a couple of other people just to see what happened and I think the results are interesting.

    I looked at the very top of the rankings and there is Hemmo with numbers that are just huge. So I pasted Hemmo’s numbers into my spreadsheet and was very surprised to find that Hemmo has a fairly feeble Legacy score of 306 – compared to my 3300! I was curious and looked at Hemmo’s stats to find little more than a huge run at Bitcoin Utopia. Looking closer still I found that whilst I don’t know the date Hemmo stopped Boincing, there have been no Recent Milestones since the 6th May 2017, so I put that into the calculations to find Hemmo ends up with a Legacy of 294! Now I don’t want to take anything away from the tremendous effort Hemmo put into that, but I am looking for something that could be ranked to show a level of ‘greatness’, a lasting legacy of your time spent Boincing (and of course using Free-DC)

    So I looked at number 2 in the Stones rankings – Ste\/e. Pasting his data in I found his Legacy to be a massive 6255!!! The big difference between these two is that Ste\/e has basically done it all, in spades.

    OK I now have to admit what I was avoiding admitting in the past – I am not the number 1 Free-DC Boincer ever – but until this is calculated for us automatically, I will remain at number 3 in the only rankings that there are - mine, with Hemmo at number 4.

    Now some might say Legacy is just another Squarepants, and to some degree it is. The big difference is that Legacy sticks. It won’t go down if you stop Boincing, people have to beat it to get above you in an official Free-DC Legacy Ranking. Squarepants will drop as you lose (Sub)Top 10’s etc, Maxwells, MiRBs etc, and Vaios and Clanks. So, you could stop Boincing at a particular rank in Squarepants and you will drop off just because you stopped.
    Legacy is for keeps. You could come back in a few years and check on your Legacy Ranking. It might encourage you to do a little more – in fact doing so would marginally increase your Legacy and subsequent Legacy Rank just because you will have been done a little more and therefor Boinced longer, and why wouldn’t we want to encourage that.

    And just in case it inspires you Bok, you are sitting in 2nd place with a seriously impressive Legacy of 5031. Just in case the observant amongst you wondered why I was at number 3.
    Last edited by MarkRBright; 08-22-2021 at 08:59 AM.

  31. #31
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    If you could ever figure out how to put it all into an equation, so I don't have to do that legwork, I would try to code it. I'm sure I'd have to create some extra tables and such, but if the data exists..

    I'd need a lot of detail.

  32. #32
    Senior Member MarkRBright's Avatar
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    Just PM'd a lot of detail.

  33. #33
    Senior Member Dirk Broer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarkRBright View Post
    So, I’ve just been having a little play with Legacy and I decide to calculate it for a couple of other people just to see what happened and I think the results are interesting.

    I looked at the very top of the rankings and there is Hemmo with numbers that are just huge. So I pasted Hemmo’s numbers into my spreadsheet and was very surprised to find that Hemmo has a fairly feeble Legacy score of 306 – compared to my 3300! I was curious and looked at Hemmo’s stats to find little more than a huge run at Bitcoin Utopia. Looking closer still I found that whilst I don’t know the date Hemmo stopped Boincing, there have been no Recent Milestones since the 6th May 2017, so I put that into the calculations to find Hemmo ends up with a Legacy of 294! Now I don’t want to take anything away from the tremendous effort Hemmo put into that, but I am looking for something that could be ranked to show a level of ‘greatness’, a lasting legacy of your time spent Boincing (and of course using Free-DC)

    So I looked at number 2 in the Stones rankings – Ste\/e. Pasting his data in I found his Legacy to be a massive 6255!!! The big difference between these two is that Ste\/e has basically done it all, in spades.

    OK I now have to admit what I was avoiding admitting in the past – I am not the number 1 Free-DC Boincer ever – but until this is calculated for us automatically, I will remain at number 3 in the only rankings that there are - mine, with Hemmo at number 4.

    Now some might say Legacy is just another Squarepants, and to some degree it is. The big difference is that Legacy sticks. It won’t go down if you stop Boincing, people have to beat it to get above you in an official Free-DC Legacy Ranking. Squarepants will drop as you lose (Sub)Top 10’s etc, Maxwells, MiRBs etc, and Vaios and Clanks. So, you could stop Boincing at a particular rank in Squarepants and you will drop off just because you stopped.
    Legacy is for keeps. You could come back in a few years and check on your Legacy Ranking. It might encourage you to do a little more – in fact doing so would marginally increase your Legacy and subsequent Legacy Rank just because you will have been done a little more and therefor Boinced longer, and why wouldn’t we want to encourage that.

    And just in case it inspires you Bok, you are sitting in 2nd place with a seriously impressive Legacy of 5031. Just in case the observant amongst you wondered why I was at number 3.
    Already tried Zombie67, Mumps or vaughan?

  34. #34
    Senior Member MarkRBright's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dirk Broer View Post
    Already tried Zombie67, Mumps or vaughan?
    That would be madness! As I have a sneaky suspicion that if I did then I would not be number 3 in the Legacy rankings! It was tough accepting I was no longer number 1!
    Gah! You made me look at yours Dirk, and now you are number 3! I'm down to 4 - I won't be drawn into that again! We'll all just have to wait and see.

  35. #35
    Senior Member MarkRBright's Avatar
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    A True Measure of Greatness ;-)

    So, after a couple of months away, after the worst of the withdrawal symptoms have dissipated, I just want to thank Bok for sorting out Legacy and it's associated Rank. I love this because since I last looked all of my activity-dependant MegaMilestones have fallen away, and I have plummeted in many of the rankings, including 289 places in the good old total Cobblestones rank! I know! That's a shedload! There was a time when this would have upset me greatly, but now, thanks to Bok, I have my Legacy, which has held fast at 3007 despite doing virtually no Boincing and while everything else slipped away. I have dropped one place from 40th to 41st in the Legacy Ranking which i like to think of as the "Greatest Ever Boincers in History" Ranking . Yes I know there might just be one or two out there who might disagree with that - but that will not stop me liking to think it! ;-)

    The funny thing is, that when I originally came up with the Legacy idea, I really wanted Bok to allow us all to see the Legacy Ranking table, so we could see who was ahead of us, who had just overtaken us, or is about to overtake us, or who we could overtake if we put our mind and a little bit more effort into it, all of which would be another incentive to keep on Boincing for "just another week or two". So I need to thank him yet again for not doing this, and allowing me to go through withdrawal without too much difficulty.

    Some of you might just read this and think "That fonker is just trying to use reverse psychology on Bok to get what he wants!". We may never know for sure, but I don't think that's the case.
    Last edited by MarkRBright; 11-08-2021 at 03:48 AM. Reason: Typos

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarkRBright View Post
    That would be madness! As I have a sneaky suspicion that if I did then I would not be number 3 in the Legacy rankings! It was tough accepting I was no longer number 1!
    Gah! You made me look at yours Dirk, and now you are number 3! I'm down to 4 - I won't be drawn into that again! We'll all just have to wait and see.
    I looked! Alas the world is spiraling downward into the pit of infamous legacy. 2840 gets me to a mere 60th place. Now if I could only figure out how to get my computers out of first gear...

    Edit: I just realized I resurrected this post. Has it really been that long since I actually looked at the upper section of my stats page only to find the new Legacy rank?

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