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Thread: Statstool Config Doesn't Work

  1. #1
    Senior Member Yavanius's Avatar
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    Arrow Statstool Config Doesn't Work

    I've tried with 3 different browsers to get into the Statstool and pressing the button doesn't do anything. Ad blockers are off.

    Need to update my CPID and quite possibly other things (haven't followed my stats in some while.)

  2. #2
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    It got broken in a php update a while ago, I need to get around to looking at what happened and update. Let me know your cpid and I'll update for you.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Yavanius's Avatar
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    See other post...

    Here's the interesting thing. The Your Stats page appears to go on my name and only shows SETI@home Beta. Digging a little bit, it seems linked to an old CPID. Yet if I go the CPID page that has the current CPID.

    I did a little more digging. Interestingly, it appears that some retired projects (like AndersonAttack) have the old CPID yet they don't show up on the Your Stats page. I didn't even realize this because on BAM, that database will link it in with your current CPID.

    Basically what I want to do is be able to see my hosts alphabetically. When you get the detailed hosts page on BAM, there is no option to sort by host. I was hoping I could do it here so I could better monitor my little legion of Droids which I have coded thm at the beginning of the name to help me ID them in the stats.


  4. #4
    Senior Member Yavanius's Avatar
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    { Your STATS page } is still linked to old CPID it seems. That CPID hasn't existed for a couple years at least. I know because something got out of sync and I had tried to get all the projects synced to the old CPID and instead everything synced to the one project with the new CPID...

    I checked BAM first, and the retired section shows the current CPID. I was 99.9% sure CPID was synced for SETI beta before the project retired, but I double checked my account on the actual SETI Beta site and indeed it is there. So, it appears there is something stuck in your database. -- That's the old expired CPID.

    Yet the CPID page is right: and SETI@home Beta is there.

    So, your server seems a little confused displaying a non-existent CPID or it's just stuck. Maybe you need to have Chief O'Brien give it a kick?

  5. #5
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    that's weird because the 'name' part of that page is just an integer. Seems that mysql just strips out anything after the first alpha character and treats the first value as what it sends in.

    Though that should be an id of 4, which is what is returned for any character in position 2 except for 'e' in which case it returns 40. I have no idea why.

    I can sync any old projects up to your new cpid, just let me know what the old one is and I assume change it to the new one - as long as the xml isn't being updated it will stick

  6. #6
    Senior Member Yavanius's Avatar
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    Well a6313 CPID is the current and that does have S@H Beta on it. I'm not really concerned about retired projects although I should check it against BAM.

    Sofar as I could tell, of the STATS sites listed at BOINC, no other site shows Hosts. Come to think of it, I don't think I ever really looked for host stats in the past aside from BAM so I don't know if anybody else ever had them although maybe one of team sites.

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