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Thread: PSP stats

  1. #1
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    PSP stats

    Got them up and running for PRP only.

    PSP stats

    With them only being updated once a week, they are going to look a little crappy for now


  2. #2
    Fixer of Broken Things FoBoT's Avatar
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    weekly stats! ouch!!!

    somebody might suggest they update them at least daily, it can't strain their server any more going from weekly to daily unless they are using a 386
    Use the right tool for the right job!

  3. #3
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    I think they are going daily in July. With this few users, surely it can't take more than a minute even on a slow machine

    The scripts for getting the page, parsing and generating my pages run in 0.3 seconds


  4. #4

    the problem with the stats are that i have to generate and transfer the stats by hand at the moment.
    Automatic generating is not the problem. ( By the way the script runs for nearly 3 minutes. But i have not generated all the indexes in the DB yet)
    But as i am on dial up at the moment i can not guarantie a daily update.
    For security reasons i dont allow an automatic dialing and that means transfer by hand.

    I will be on a flat rate starting in july.

    Until that time i will send stats updates as often as possible but i can not promise daily updates.

    Your effort is real impressive.

    ( Maintainer of PSP database) - most comprehensive german website about distributed computing projects

  5. #5

    Daily Stats

    We can actually get daily stats!

    The project has 2 type of stats
    Sieve and PRP.

    Currently no one is sieving so these stats do not change, so these are fine weekely.

    As for the PRP stats,

    all the work is done using the network client, for which the residues are available over the web.

    there are 2 users who manually do PRP tests. Me and Lars. We can send a copy of our residues indivsually everyday to anyone who wants them.

    So if providing these residues is enough for the stats, then let me know and we can work some system out.


  6. #6

    I will try to have a daily update latest at 21:00 GMT.
    (Today they are already available)

    So put your job to read a little bit later then that time.

    Lars - most comprehensive german website about distributed computing projects

  7. #7
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    I'll run a manual one now...

    I'll set the cronjob to 15:25 CST (where the server is located.. Dallas). This will run it just prior to my LifeMapper stats run, which takes roughly 5 mins.


    And I'll have to get the client going on one of my boxen too... self

  8. #8

    Re: PSP stats

    Originally posted by Bok
    Got them up and running for PRP only.

    PSP stats

    With them only being updated once a week, they are going to look a little crappy for now

    Could you also have an amount column for daily stats?


  9. #9
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Not quickly..

    I have a very generic stats system. This would require an extension in place for this one only.

    I track 3 metrics, but designate only 1 as the main one which then has the last update etc calculated

    I could add it into the generic script but I think there would then be too many columns on screen.....

    If you can be more specific perhaps I can do something.


  10. #10
    Originally posted by Bok

    If you can be more specific perhaps I can do something.

    What do you mean?

    May be I did not make my self clear. I just want the amount of candidates tested on the previous day by each user.


  11. #11
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    You want yesterdays tally for counts or todays ? or both?

    I'll see if I can squeeze them into the page. IT will go into the generic script (which runs all of the different stats) I'll just 'IF' it out on this project based on a config variable I guess.

    Give me a few days..


  12. #12
    Target Butt IronBits's Avatar
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    Examples seem to help me...

    Maybe you can give us one, so we can see exactly what you mean...

    Would that be possible?

  13. #13
    Basically something like this

    Person: XYZ did 4 tests today
    Person : ABC did 43 tests today

    and so on. Thats all I want, just the number of tests done by a user for today.


  14. #14
    Administrator PCZ's Avatar
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    How about using tests instead of points as the main metric.

  15. #15
    Originally posted by PCZ
    How about using tests instead of points as the main metric.
    Well tests are fine but since it takes longer to do a test with numbers around 2^2M compared to numbers around 2^1M, it might be difficult to compare the two. This is the reason why we need points in the first place.

    But since all k's are at almost the same place, this may not be very important.

    I am happy with any way that works best for you.


  16. #16
    PSP stats have been modified. The points calculation for returned results has been changed.

    This brings some good news and some bad news.

    The good news are:

    The stats page has not changed in layout so Boks stats will continue to run.
    The point values have been adjusted in a way that the higher n-values have a much higher weight when it comes to stats calculation. This leads to team free-dc members jumping a lot of places in the stats.

    The bad news are:

    due to the fact that the points have been completely changed the advanced stats from Bok will be totaly confused when it comes to calculation like who will catch up when....

    Lars - most comprehensive german website about distributed computing projects

  17. #17
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    I only use a 7 day average so they'll sort themselves out in a week.

    I noticed some of the top members lost a lot of points on June 5th??

    Was this intentional or a snafu ? I could just delete the stats for prior to this day for everyone if necessary as it's really messing up the graphs


  18. #18
    The thing with the lost points on the 5th was due to the fact that before 5th a prime was worth 5000 extra points which where reduced to 500 on 5th.

    With the new stats there are no extra points anymore as it makes no sence to give extra points for something that happens totaly random.


    By the way i am very impressed about your stats engine.

    Lars - most comprehensive german website about distributed computing projects

  19. #19
    Administrator PCZ's Avatar
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    What happened on the 10th June ?

    Looks like I lost most of my points.

  20. #20
    PSP got a new formula for points


    Log is base 10.

    for n as in k*2^n+1

    The new formula gives more points for the newer tests and less for the small n tests.


  21. #21

    Default team

    There will be no default team any longer. (after the next stats update.)

    Please update your stats accordingly.


  22. #22
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    It should handle it ok I think..

    I'll watch for it anyway.


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