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Thread: DFP Roadmap

  1. #1

    DFP Roadmap

    We would like to thank all of our users for their participation in the CASP 6 experiment. We have managed to predict a total of eight targets using DFP. While this is only a small fraction of the targets that were available, we chose some of the hardest ones to predict, and are anxious to see how the present method compares with our other more manual method, as well as other protein folding approaches, after the meeting in December.

    After having put forth all our resources towards participation in CASP 6
    (, we now need to step back and conduct a thorough analysis of our results, as well as an in-depth evaluation of all the methods used, including Distributed Folding.

    Having limited resources available in our Structure group, we are faced with the following options:

    1. Continue running DFP with the current algorithm, tweaking code in the process
    2. Implement Boris Steipe's protein fragment libraries into the Phase II algorithm
    3. Modify the Phase II algorithm into a true genetic algorithm
    4. Shut down the DF project entirely to focus on development and improvement of our core algorithm via data analysis of available results

    We feel that the project would benefit most from taking a break, namely the latter option, while we put our efforts towards providing you with a more robust, scientifically cutting edge platform.

    We would like to extend our sincere thanks to all the users who have participated in the project over the past two and a half years. We are grateful for the countless CPU hours you have given us, for your improvement ideas, and for relentlessly testing any changes we made as we progressed towards better software. We have learned much about writing robust software, and we hope you have learned a little about the exciting world of protein folding.

    With your help, we have been able to generate large amounts of scientifically significant data that has advanced our understanding of protein folding, and has enabled us to improve our folding algorithms, which may one day allow us to predict protein structure and folding pathways from sequence.

    However, due to the aforementioned reasons, we have decided to bring the
    Distributed Folding Project to an end upon reaching the 10 billion target on the current protein or on October 1, 2004, whichever comes last. We truly hope that our loyal user community keeps checking back for future distributed projects, as we certainly intend to return with newer and better ideas.

    With gratitude,

    Christopher Hogue, Howard Feldman and the Distributed Folding team
    Elena Garderman

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    So Cal
    Woah, I am sorry to hear this. Best of luck guys with your future projects and hopefully the results will be of great use to you guys.

  3. #3
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Wow, didn't expect that!!


    We'll be here...


  4. #4

    Do you guys have any idea as to when you might re-start? This is pretty short notice to your dedicated loyal contributors, I have to say. Don't really know how to react, to be honest.

    Will your website be closed down too? Will there be any lasting monument to the immense amount of work we've all done or will it just be erased from the 'net as if it never happened?

  5. #5
    Boinc'ing away
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    London, UK
    Sad news but hopefully it will give the DF team time to look at the results and come back stronger in the future...

  6. #6

    Thank you for a great project! good luck with the future projects!

  7. #7
    25/25Mbit is nearly enough :p pointwood's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    That is certainly a surprise!

    Good luck in the future
    Jabber ID:, #distributed

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Well, hmm. That's ... interesting, and not at all expected.

    I will be waiting for the next DC project the former DF team starts, though! Any idea where we can look for announcements of those projects? The main blueprint site perhaps?
    "If you fail to adjust your notion of fairness to the reality of the Universe, you will probably not be happy."

    -- Originally posted by Paratima

  9. #9
    OCworkbench Stats Ho
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    If you start up again, please backup your email list so you can do a mass mail notification
    I am not a Stats Ho, it is just more satisfying to see that my numbers are better than yours.

  10. #10
    The Cruncher From Hell
    Join Date
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    The Depths of Hell
    That's disappointing to hear.
    Hopefully you'll be back.
    And just as I hit 200 million

  11. #11
    Senior Member Rodzilla's Avatar
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    Indiana, USA
    Sad to hear this... I really am...

    When can we expect to see you againe?? Months? Years?

    Will the Stats start over a 0?

  12. #12
    Doh! Sorry to hear that things are shutting down, and I didn't even get a chance to release dfGUI v3.3 out of beta.

    Oh well, we hope you guys actually implement an awesome fully genetic algorithm and then come back to the community.

    Even though DF will be shutting down in October, we hope you guys will keep us informed about the results of the CASP6 contest.

    PS: Look me up before you do so, and I will likely write a nice GUI app for you.


  13. #13
    Senior Member Rodzilla's Avatar
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    Indiana, USA
    Yes... please keep us in the loop... We have all been so loyal!

  14. #14
    Senior Member
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    For those that are running the DF client online and not paying attention to the boards (either their team's or this board) - will the last client update either shut the client down, or go into a low cpu sleep mode checking for updates every few hours (if the down time is going to be short)?

    Good luck on the improvements to the client/algorithm/server coding..
    Borging.. it's not just an addiction. It's...

  15. #15
    Senior Member Rodzilla's Avatar
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    Indiana, USA
    Originally posted by tpdooley
    For those that are running the DF client online and not paying attention to the boards (either their team's or this board) - will the last client update either shut the client down, or go into a low cpu sleep mode checking for updates every few hours (if the down time is going to be short)?

    Good luck on the improvements to the client/algorithm/server coding..
    I have the impression that this is an extended shut down... Like find another project to work on till we come back kind of thing.

  16. #16
    Ancient Programmer Paratima's Avatar
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    I'll keep the mirror polished.
    HOME: A physical construct for keeping rain off your computers.

  17. #17
    Senior Member
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    I'm sorry to hear this. Just when I was setteling in and was planning my DIY farm.

    Also pfb's STAT's were coming of age and a new version of dfGUI was under way. It makes me a bit sad.

    Hope the project doesn't stop indefenatly, and comes back in a reasonable time.

    I wish the team good luck and succes in building the new generation client. And I wil probably be back when there's some more foldin' to do.

    Some questions though; Will de df website partially stay on-line ?
    Possible reasons;
    - we can follow CASP results
    - we can find out when the new project resumes (if any)
    - you could ask for beta-testing e.d
    Last edited by G_M_C; 09-03-2004 at 03:58 AM.
    DPC: We're going for the #1 again

  18. #18
    Senior Member
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    wigan, uk

    Re: :cow:

    Originally posted by G_M_C

    Some questions though; Will de df website partially stay on-line ?
    Possible reasons;
    - we can follow CASP results
    - we can find out when the new project resumes (if any)
    - you could ask for beta-testing e.d
    and on a continuation of the above, maybe a mailing list could be setup to inform those who want to know about betas, the casp results, or when the project is going to come back.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    southeastern North Carolina

    Question bummer...

    what am I gonna do with these PCs?

    " All that's necessary for the forces of evil to win in the world is for enough good men to do nothing."-
    Edmund Burke

    " Crunch Away! But, play nice .."

    --RagingSteveK's mom

  20. #20
    Thanks for a good project to do, i wish all the guys at DF-HQ all the best
    Elspuddy - Team Jsi
    p.s is it too late to send you guys a box of chocks ??? :P

  21. #21
    Nuts, and I was hoping to reach 10mil by xmas with my measly two machines (a 750mhz P3 and an XP2000+). On 7.7mil at the moment.

    I suppose for people who want to carry on folding there is always folding@home which i've heard mentioned, but never got round to looking at.

    Here's hoping we see activity again after christmas.

  22. #22
    We will keep the website up for the time being, and will indeed post CASP results in December after we receive them. Uploading will obviously be disabled as will some other things (changing teams, team names, etc). We may try to produce a final stats summary page as well.

    There will indeed be a final update to ensure everyone stops folding (including those who dont read here). It will basically just print a message and exit. If you like the screensaver, you may want to hang on to a copy..

    We hope the Free-DC folks will keep this thread open as well for a while, so people can refer back to it if they desire and/or continue to post. We will still check it periodically even after October.

    Keep an eye on the Blueprint website for news of course, and we will try to get a mailing list set up for those who want to be informed directly of any relevant news and beta testing (more info to come).

    As for when we shall return, it is difficult to say. In all likelihood less than a year. Whether we return with a clever genetic folding algorithm, or perhaps something altogether different (but still medically- and protein-related of course) remains to be seen. One way or another, we shall be reborn from our ashes as the mighty phoenix.
    Howard Feldman

  23. #23
    P.S. there is a big 'easter egg' in the screensaver which no one ever reported...
    Howard Feldman

  24. #24
    Originally posted by Brian the Fist
    We will keep the website up for the time being, and will indeed post CASP results in December after we receive them. Uploading will obviously be disabled as will some other things (changing teams, team names, etc). We may try to produce a final stats summary page as well.

    There will indeed be a final update to ensure everyone stops folding (including those who dont read here). It will basically just print a message and exit. If you like the screensaver, you may want to hang on to a copy..

    We hope the Free-DC folks will keep this thread open as well for a while, so people can refer back to it if they desire and/or continue to post. We will still check it periodically even after October.

    Keep an eye on the Blueprint website for news of course, and we will try to get a mailing list set up for those who want to be informed directly of any relevant news and beta testing (more info to come).

    As for when we shall return, it is difficult to say. In all likelihood less than a year. Whether we return with a clever genetic folding algorithm, or perhaps something altogether different (but still medically- and protein-related of course) remains to be seen. One way or another, we shall be reborn from our ashes as the mighty phoenix.

    We may try to produce a final stats summary page as well.
    Could you please post a final stats summary page without including teamhopping activities in the last 9 months?

    This way, we will get a realistic overview about who's #1
    Member of Dutch Power Cows
    (Number #1 overal winner)

  25. #25
    Senior Member Rodzilla's Avatar
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    Indiana, USA
    Originally posted by Basman
    Could you please post a final stats summary page without including teamhopping activities in the last 9 months?

    This way, we will get a realistic overview about who's #1
    You would have to do that on a case by case bases... why would you want to do that...

  26. #26
    Senior Member
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    Apr 2004

    Share plzzz

    Originally posted by Brian the Fist
    P.S. there is a big 'easter egg' in the screensaver which no one ever reported...
    Could you give us a hint ??

    DPC: We're going for the #1 again

  27. #27
    DPRGI Founder
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    Europe - Italy - Padua


    a very bad news for all of us . We understand that now is the moment to study in deep all the results but DF for many of US is a very good project .
    We all hope that DF will restart better and fast.

    all the best from DPRGI , Italia

  28. #28


    It's a great news for the project, because it means that the work done is quite good and, of course, is a sad news for our point race; however, everyone knows that increasing points isn't the primary goal of the project.
    So, by wishing all the best to Elena, Howard, Christopher and all the DF team, I remand to the restart, speaking for all PGRI, and hoping of rely in contact with all the teams here. Medical target is the first goal reached, but the friendship born between the components of the various teams I think that would considered the second.

    Greetings, mates

  29. #29
    I hope the next df program you guys make has a F@H type feel, console and graphical versions, or worryalot and worryless versions.

    It was a good project, I will remember it, lost many nights sleep over it.

    I will join that mailing list.

    Good Show.

    Overclockers Australia

    My Power
    Overclock and Be Happy with what you have got!

    -=United We Stand - Together We Fall=-

  30. #30

    Re: bummer...

    Originally posted by RaginSteveK

    what am I gonna do with these PCs?

    Overclockers Australia

    My Power
    Overclock and Be Happy with what you have got!

    -=United We Stand - Together We Fall=-

  31. #31
    XPC's Extreme Cruncher Plum Ugly's Avatar
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    Sep 2004
    what am I gonna do with these PCs?

    Find-a-drug could use them

  32. #32
    Option 5)

    Ditch the high dollar, high maintenance ticketing system, tweak the code for why it produces values outside of known good folds and continue learning.

    Sometimes you have to step back to what is known, before you can step forward again.
    Taking the ball and going home doesn’t seem like much of a research answer.

  33. #33
    OCworkbench Stats Ho
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Still waiting on the hint for the Easter Egg in Screensaver
    I am not a Stats Ho, it is just more satisfying to see that my numbers are better than yours.

  34. #34
    Originally posted by Grumpy
    Still waiting on the hint for the Easter Egg in Screensaver
    Click in the main graphics window (to ensure it has the keyboard focus) and try pressing various keys on your keyboard. You'll have to be patient to find it...
    Howard Feldman

  35. #35
    There was a screen saver version?

    True DCers dont use GUIs. LOL
    Crunchin for
    Barbarian Frogs

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