Please correct me if I'm wrong...

I though most of the people here use P-1 for factoring the draw back is that a number has to be smooth within B1 b2 bounds.

If I understand correctly ECM will find all factors less than a particular number of digits depending upon B1 values and then number of curves.

I was wondering if anyone has tried or is using ECM to factor our numbers, and time vs chances calculations.

I think mystwalker posted 2 curves at the ~50 digit level should find all factors <20-digits. ( I realise this is a tremendous over simplification).

I was just wondering if its worth a shot on our numbers, we could start with the assumption that no factors exist with less than 15-digits due to sieve. (Start running curves for 25 or 30 digit numbers etc.)

If anyone wants to make a list of links etc commmand lines to run etc I'd like to make a faq or a stick for factoring.

I know hhh made a good one this one would be included.