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Thread: seive point guessing (98%)

  1. #1

    seive point guessing (98%)

    okay how about a prediction then. not quite as good as the score predections but..

    using this page

    i guess the 98% seive point will be at 830T on July 24 2005

    can you tell im a bit bored?

  2. #2
    wow.. how wrong was i..

    98%: 834.680T

    okay new guess..

    lets try

    850T on 24 july 2005 (still seems a good date)

  3. #3
    Sieve it, baby!
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Potsdam, Germany
    Predicting the 98% sieving point is very tricky. You have to consider that closing a small gap (even as small as a few G) can have a massive impact on this point, as maybe this little change is the relevant that makes this point include large completed ranges that were left out before.
    At the moment, there are some low ranges left that partly gets resieved, making the 98% sieving point dancing boogie.

  4. #4
    hmm maybe your right.. perhaps i should make it the 90% mark..

    well maybe next time

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