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Thread: Stats Issues

  1. #161
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    It's timing out on the user file too, just awful awful download rates. Ack, it'll keep trying, hopefully they will fix their issues.

  2. #162
    Big Fat Gorilla guru's Avatar
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    It's been working fine here.
    I'm having fun!!! I'm just not sure if it's net fun or gross fun.

  3. #163
    Senior Member Yavanius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dirk Broer View Post
    According to me you are confusing Constellation with Pirates.
    They -Constellation- are *NOT* delisted: I can still add Constellation as a project through my Boinc Manager, About Constellation shows what they do with the results. They did have some serious server troubles, during which they were unable to communicate with the volunteers and vice-versa.
    You're confusing BOINC and your BOINC manager. If you go to BOINC website Constellation is no longer listed. If you check the BOINC forum, Dr Anderson commented on it. If you check Constellation's forums you'll see the project head been incommunicado for some time. If you delve a little deeper, it seems the head has other projects on their plate...

    So the lights are on, yes, the grass is mowed, yes, but nobody is home...

  4. #164
    Senior Member Dirk Broer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yavanius View Post
    You're confusing BOINC and your BOINC manager. If you go to BOINC website Constellation is no longer listed. If you check the BOINC forum, Dr Anderson commented on it. If you check Constellation's forums you'll see the project head been incommunicado for some time. If you delve a little deeper, it seems the head has other projects on their plate...

    So the lights are on, yes, the grass is mowed, yes, but nobody is home...

    Would you care to provide links with your message?
    e.g. that list of projects on the BOINC website where you claim Constellation is absent -It is still here-
    and the link to the forum message where Dr. Anderson would have commented on the status of Constellation?
    And what exactly is your definition of being incommunicado for some time? Here's a Link to the Constellation forum. I've seen far worse...

  5. #165
    Senior Member Yavanius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dirk Broer View Post
    Would you care to provide links with your message?
    e.g. that list of projects on the BOINC website where you claim Constellation is absent -It is still here-
    and the link to the forum message where Dr. Anderson would have commented on the status of Constellation?
    And what exactly is your definition of being incommunicado for some time? Here's a Link to the Constellation forum. I've seen far worse...

    Ooops, that's what I get for posting before going to bed... I was mixing it up with Cosmology@home. Sorry, me bad. Disregard, carry on...

  6. #166
    Senior Member Dirk Broer's Avatar
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    Something is going wrong with the subproject stats. One of the two stats servers had no data yesterday on the subproject page, today there are no subproject milestones.

  7. #167
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    thanks for heads up, should be fixed now.

  8. #168
    Senior Member Dirk Broer's Avatar
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    Apart from a shortly missing mega milestone badge: all seems oké now!
    Last edited by Dirk Broer; 06-29-2015 at 06:41 PM.

  9. #169
    Senior Member Dirk Broer's Avatar
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    NFS subproject stats

    Am I right in assuming that the NFS subprojects get their data for the FreeDC stats from another -later- source than the NFS project itself?
    Yesterday I scored 13,414 credits for NFS, yet my subprojects remained the same -on FreeDC.

    At the NFS site they did grow:
    14e credit 53,964 total, 70.28 average (1499 tasks)
    15e credit 70,752 total, 97.50 average (1608 tasks)
    16e credit 706,420 total, 1,409.24 average (5434 tasks)

    FreeDC has
    14e 1,478 53,208
    15e 1,584 69,696
    16e 5,318 691,340

  10. #170
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    sort of. ..

    The data does come from NFS, but it's not necessarily exported at the same time as the regular stats, so you are correct in that it's not always aligned...

  11. #171
    Not sure where this belongs . . . I've noticed that the badges are not quite right, for me anyway. When WCG Ebola turned to 5 years the badge disappeared. At some point Universe at Home Test showed the same hours as Universe at Home, so the appropriate badge showed up. When the credits got corrected, the badge stayed. Not biggies, but I'm probably not alone.

  12. #172
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Appreciate the headsup!!

    I deleted all the universe@Home test badges and re-ran the script.

    Looks like I never downloaded the newer Ebola badges. Done that now so they are showing.

  13. #173
    Senior Member Dirk Broer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bok View Post
    sort of. ..

    The data does come from NFS, but it's not necessarily exported at the same time as the regular stats, so you are correct in that it's not always aligned...
    I am afraid that the problem is bigger than that. 'Last Update' gets re-populated during the day, but 'Today' stays empty, see my scores...

  14. #174
    Senior Member Dirk Broer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bok View Post
    Appreciate the headsup!!

    I deleted all the universe@Home test badges and re-ran the script.

    Looks like I never downloaded the newer Ebola badges. Done that now so they are showing.
    Well, while you're at it: can you download the new Help Cure Muscular Dystrophy - Phase 2 badges too?
    And the badge that shows how long you're busy with Atlas@Home?
    Last edited by Dirk Broer; 07-04-2015 at 04:02 PM. Reason: icon -> badge

  15. #175
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    done the HCMD2 badges.

    which atlas badge are you referring to ?

  16. #176
    Quote Originally Posted by bok View Post
    appreciate the headsup!!

    I deleted all the universe@home test badges and re-ran the script.

    Looks like i never downloaded the newer ebola badges. Done that now so they are showing.
    Thank you!

  17. #177
    Senior Member Dirk Broer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bok View Post
    done the HCMD2 badges.

    which atlas badge are you referring to ?
    The one that showing here -in my signature- under the Atlas@Home badge:

    All Atlas@Home badges here
    Description here

  18. #178
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    I need to do some coding to get those ones working.

  19. #179
    Senior Member Dirk Broer's Avatar
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    Take your time with the Atlas badge, me personally I find the issue of the non-appearance of new NFS subproject scores more important.
    Last edited by Dirk Broer; 07-05-2015 at 05:08 PM.

  20. #180
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dirk Broer View Post
    Take your time with the Atlas badge, me personally I find the non-appearance of new NFS subproject scores more important.
    There are new NFS sub projects?

    Oh wait I hadn't seen your last post on the differences. I'll look into it a bit more.

  21. #181
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    The NFS subproject data should be corrected soon. It was due to the changes made at the project which moved the subproject datafiles to the standard directory rather than the one they had been using for the last few years.

  22. #182
    Senior Member Yavanius's Avatar
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    Nobody ever goes, "Hey Bok! How's it going? How was your day?" Nooo... It's always about something broken...

    Thus the new ticket system...

    For every ticket you will need to submit an 'offering'... Depending on the offering, a ticket will get higher priority...

    We'll start off with a Grande Frappuchino and work from there...

  23. #183
    Senior Member Dirk Broer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yavanius View Post
    Nobody ever goes, "Hey Bok! How's it going? How was your day?" Nooo... It's always about something broken...
    Thus the new ticket system: For every ticket you will need to submit an 'offering'... Depending on the offering, a ticket will get higher priority...
    I'd gladly send Bok my Dual Xeon Server as payment, but for two things:
    1. It is almost as heavy as I am myself
    2. It is a dual Xeon-III@500MHz -almost as old as I am myself, computer-wise-...

  24. #184
    Senior Member Yavanius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dirk Broer View Post
    I'd gladly send Bok my Dual Xeon Server as payment, but for two things:
    1. It is almost as heavy as I am myself
    2. It is a dual Xeon-III@500MHz -almost as old as I am myself, computer-wise-...
    Well, it might be easier if you just bought a few Starbucks gift cards, load them up, and overnight them in an express mail envelope to Bok... and it still be cheaper than shipping the computer via United Parcel Smashers. Although I'd be curious to see what UPS does to the server in transit. (Bok receives it... 'Wow, looks like it was hit by a stinger missile')

  25. #185
    Senior Member Dirk Broer's Avatar
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    From the looks of the Compaq server it will be more like "Wow, something sticking both in and out, looks like parts of a UPS delivering system"
    I can imagine how their van will look after delivery of the behemoth -driving DHL parcels myself....

  26. #186
    Senior Member Dirk Broer's Avatar
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    Constellation up and running, even stats available

    The Constellation stats can be reached/downloaded/processed again

  27. #187
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    nope, host file is still giving me a bad response...

  28. #188
    Senior Member Yavanius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dirk Broer View Post
    From the looks of the Compaq server it will be more like "Wow, something sticking both in and out, looks like parts of a UPS delivering system"
    I can imagine how their van will look after delivery of the behemoth -driving DHL parcels myself....
    Those UPS vans can take a fair amount of abuse. I use to work at a shop that the delivery route was commercial/industrial customers. Actually what was scary that we use to get these hose fittings from a company in the midwest. They must have one of the worst UPS centers or something because they would brown-tape the boxes all around and then packing tape around that... and STILL we would get boxes that had holes and rips in them. They must have been loading using catapults...

  29. #189
    Senior Member Dirk Broer's Avatar
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    The sorting centers fill their containers using conveyor belts, anything that gets in first will have the lot over it....if 'the lot' is a lot heavier: you guess what happens

  30. #190
    Senior Member Yavanius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bok View Post
    What does it say? Works fine for me. Anyone else ?
    Haven't had any issues. Steve, try clearing out your cache and reload the page. Failing that, if you have Firefox, goto your history, Right-Click on Free-DC, select 'Forget about this site.' This will clear all cookies and files for Free-DC. Do it for each Free-DC that remains. Probably two. I think Chrome has a similar feature. Don't know about Opera, but possibly.

  31. #191
    Hi Bok !

    ...just wondering what happened to the SETI stats updates as they have been dead for several days by now (normally I'm not crunching it, but did during the WOW ! event).

  32. #192
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    They look like they have been updating ok to me ?

  33. #193
    Yes, now they look right, thanks !

  34. #194
    Hi Bok, hope things are going well..

    I participated in the Seti Wow event and some days I see the right stats but other days, like today, the stats are like I never participated in the event.

    FreeDC stats today show 4,218,518 points.

    Seti@home shows 5,071,250 points

    My Seti@home ID is 9124102 and my boinc cross project ID is 0ade53472599150e6955ecd4f0f43d3f

    Thanks much

    EDIT: Now my stats look OK. Like I said it's intermittent. Weird.
    Last edited by biodoc; 08-30-2015 at 04:20 PM. Reason: udate

  35. #195
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    could be one of my databases is at issue, but the other is ok. I'll check that. It switches inbetween each time it updates.

  36. #196
    Senior Member Yavanius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dirk Broer View Post
    The sorting centers fill their containers using conveyor belts, anything that gets in first will have the lot over it....if 'the lot' is a lot heavier: you guess what happens
    Aye, but we get stuff from over the U.S. and it was ALWAYS from that one company... I wonder if I could interest them in Titantium containers...
    Recipent: "Wow, those look like scorch marks. Someone hit it with a Stinger missile?"
    UPS Driver: "Oh look at that, I'm running behind, gotta get going!" (slams cargo door shut, speeds up very quickly)

  37. #197
    Senior Member Dirk Broer's Avatar
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    One of the stats servers, be it either flip or flop, has the jiitters. It shows no combined credit for today and has the project scores of today and yesterday combined.

  38. #198
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    yes, a crashed table. I'm fixing now.

  39. #199
    Ancient Programmer Paratima's Avatar
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    A strangeness: Look at the DC-Free stats for Malaria Control Project (where I am currently the only worker-bee). It has my total from yesterday (Thursday, the 8th) at 29,848 (Way high) and the team's daily total at 10,384, which is much more realistic. Probably something dumb. Cheers!
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  40. #200
    Ancient Programmer Paratima's Avatar
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    Ahha! Evidently part of the table problem discussed above. Appears all healed.

    EDIT: Nope! Personal "2 Days Ago" and Average values still wrong.
    Last edited by Paratima; 10-10-2015 at 07:15 AM.
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