I don't like Vista period.
I don't like the interface, I don't like the theme, and I pretty much don't like anything about it actually and have not found one thing that I do like about it.
I've tried 32bit and 64bit versions (both look and feel the same old crappy way).
Why they couldn't just make XP better is beyond me. They had a great OS going back in Windows 2000, and it's gone down hill from there since they started to mess with the GUI interface.

So like the rest of the world, I am left waiting for Microsoft to fix there bloated, unnecessary CPU performance robbing GUI crap interface, and update their drivers etc.

Now they proclaim Windows 7 (probably Vista SP3) is the way to go.

Windows 7, already gets a black eye because it's really a re-worked Vista clone, but now they are going to make it even worse by bringing into it that gawd awful Office Ribbon interface and a Mac taskbar clone thing, with a dab of Ubunto KDE Desktop look. (which I don't like either)
Oh, and they are removing the option for the 'classic look' !

They will force you to use their OS the way they want you to and nothing less, until you will like it!

XP for games, everything else in Linux, either two computers or dual boot, whatever way it has to be, but I personally will not buy Windows 7, and I'd be willing to bet corporate america will steer clear of it to.

I think they should call it, Microsoft Windows Flop Deuce

If the Game developers would get busy and write good games for Linux, I wouldn't have bought Windows in the first place!

What do think?