A bit of a wag LOL...

But I took some offense to axn's post. ( sorry to point a finger directly that's not my intent).

As a reality check: sieving from 25P to 200P will eliminate roughly 1-ln(25P)/ln(200P) = 5.2% candidates only. So as a rule of thumb, no more than 5% of resource should be spent in sieving.

So as a reality check could someone run some numbers for me.

1-ln(50P)/ln(200P) =
1-ln(100P)/ln(200P) =
1-ln(150P)/ln(200P) =


1-ln(400T)/ln(1P) =
1-ln(500T)/ln(1P) =
1-ln(400T)/ln(600T) =

Also as to

: Prime Grid