I've begun making the next round of changes to the stats system. Tonight, I added several enhancements to the 'Potential Threats' and 'Upcoming Conquests' tables in the detailed stats pages for individual users. I've also enabled the new graphing system.

I really like the new ones much better. I've made the font sizes bigger, added some background lines, made them slightly 3d in nature, and changes colors (some using varying amounts of transparency). I've also switched from a combination of line & bar graphs to area graphs.

Now, I know that I like them better, but does everyone else? If anyone has comments or complaints about the new graphs, now is the time to speak up since I'm going to be making all the new graphs similar in nature to these. This doesn't mean they'll all be area graphs, but most of the other attributes will be similar.

Here's a look at the new style showing Iron Bits' and Darkness Production's respective production: