Hi MikeH,

Of course, there is no problem with that. At the end, we are all trying to reach the same goal.

The reason I did not declare these two ranges (3900G-4200G and 3650G-3700G, both with couple of holes) is that there seemed to be nobody else looking for holes. In other words, I did not think anybody even noticed them. So, I directly contacted Louie not to confuse anyone.

Louie told me that he had scheduled to take care of his 3900G-4200G already, so I just started sieving the 10 holes in 3650-3700 range (one already finished and three are in progress).

And as soon as I noticed that somebody else is looking for holes, I wrote the coordination post above.

If anybody wants to take any of the remaining six holes, just let me know which one you are taking (so that we don't duplicate effort). If not, I am already patching them. Both alternatives are ok for me.