There is a new version of the NT/2K/XP service installer available at (same URL as before). The new version has the following new features:

1. ability to automatically restart service at a fixed time each day (principally a workaround for the "socket grabbing" problem)

2. ability to automatically restart any client that crashes (I've never had it happen, but some have)

3. ability to automatically restart any client that stalls or hangs (same comment as #2).

4. ability to run client worker threads at true lowest possible priority (not generally recommended, but some have a need for this).

Of course, it still has all the old features - support for up to 32 clients, affinity setting, affinity optimization, etc. I should probably put in a disclaimer about new feature #3 - since this problem doesn't happen to me, I haven't been able to test it with a "real live stalled client," but it does happily restart a manually paused client (it takes it about ten minutes to decide that a client is stalled).

The readme has instructions for upgrading (essentially just stop the service, unpack the zip and restart) and for installing from scratch.

Let me know via this forum if you have any problems of any sort. I may be hard to reach for the next week or so, so if you have an urgent problem with the new version, you can revert to the original version - it's available at

If there are any other features you'd like in the service handler, let me know and I'll see what I can do. Let me know fairly quickly, though, because I really don't intend to do a *lot* of additional work on this thing.