I just finished packaging the new SB client.

Here are the new features (listed in the *newly included* README.TXT):

-P4 SSE2 code improvements -- 10% faster
-test abandoning code removed
-multiple open socket bug fixed
-removed blocking network calls (i.e. occasional hangs @ 100%)
-more verbose logging on intermediate block transmissions
-registry hook for Mathguy's service added (sb-mg.exe no longer needed)
-Mathguy's service installer (v1.6) now packaged with main distribution
-can now finish test without downloading new one if desired
-new registry hooks for future add-on features (queuing)
-in-client signup interface improved
-no longer asks users to clear cache when entering first username
-uninstall fuction actually works now

These versions of Mathguy's service included with this version of SB are newer than any publicly availible versions right now. They also only need sb.exe so there will not be another sb-mg.exe file needed.

I just fixed the uninstaller a few minutes ago when I realized it didn't work. This installer is built with a newer version of NSIS so it's smarter now.

I think this version successfully fixes all major outstanding bugs and almost all minor ones as well. I'd recommend everyone upgrade immediately.

BTW, only 2 people have tested the P4 speed improvement. Mike said it was faster. Mathguy said he didn't think it was different. Everyone who installs this on a P4 needs to tell post here how it runs.

Download away:
