I know a lot of people can only make 1 or 2 versions of the linux client work. For some, v1.0 works and v1.02 crashes. For others, v1.0 crashes and v1.02 works. For some, v1.0 and v1.02 both crash and only v0.97 works.

If I release a new version of the SB client for linux, I'd like to only have to release one.

Anyone who runs the linux client, this is what I want from you:

1) A list of each version of the client that runs and crashes on your system(s) between version v0.97 and v1.02. I don't need to know about network problems as those are fixed in the v1.10 code, I just need to know about seg faulting. Something like:

RedHat 8 box (kernal 2.xx.xx)
v0.97 -- runs, never crashes
v1.00 -- crashes immediately on startup
v1.01 -- runs, no crashes
v1.02 -- runs, crashes on submitting sometimes

give me info for as many different boxes as you can and as many versions of the client as you can. if you need diff versions for testing, they are all still available here: http://linux.redbird.com/~alien88/ don't bother testing below v0.97 as those clients can no longer connect to the server. there are several versions but at least test v0.97, v1.00, and v1.02. i recommend changing your user to 'supersecret' during testing, that way you can finish tests in a few minutes to see if they will crash after a submission.

2) Your email address if you want to be involved in testing the next version before it comes out.

When I get enough testers with enough different problems, I'll build some new versions until I get one that works for everyone. If we get enough people to participate, this should help create a new linux/FreeBSD/BeOS client soon.
