*I know this is an OS forum, but I wasn't quite sure where to ask about this.*

I know there's quite a few programmers on board here, and I'd like to ask for some advice from you guys/gals if you don't mind. I've been idle for the last few years and haven't taken the time to actually learn anything worthwhile. Sure, I've installed & tinkered w/ a few Linux distro's, and have kicked around a few ideas from time to time, but that's it. I've finally decided to get off my arse and learn some sort of programming. Something actually useful & worthwhile. I'm thinking PHP, but after looking around at the very broad range of languages,etc., I really have no clue where to begin. First, some background info:

1- I've always been a hardware geek, and still am at heart even though I'm no longer in the industry.

2- I have no programming experience at all. Zip, none, nada. The upside is that I don't have any bad habits established yet.

3- Though I'm no candidate for MENSA, I do consider myself fairly intelligent.

4- I did teach myself some basic HTML a few years ago, but have since forgotten damn near all of it.(See, I am capable of learning.)

5- I'm middle aged, so things don't click as quickly as they used to. (YMMV.)

6- Neither formal schooling, nor purchasing software are options at this point. I simply can't afford it.

Now, taking the above points in consideration, would anyone care to offer any advice about what I, a complete noob, should or should not consider trying to learn at this point? I know you guys have to deal with this stuff at work all day long, and if you don't want to jump in I completely understand. But at this point, any advice would be very helpful.

I am anxious to learn something, and am willing to spend the time necessary to do so. I also know I'm past my prime in a lot of areas, but, hey! Learning something new is always a good thing.