Looking over the list of folks who have run this project at one time or another, then quit, I wondered, "What's up?"

Now I think I know. It's been almost a week since I switched all my EON boxen over to "active" projects because there's no work to do here! The admins have left for holiday break and didn't fill the work jar. This project is obviously not very high priority for them.

Let's see:
1. The client uses special ports instead of standard HTTP, so it won't run behind a corporate firewall.
2. The proxy settings in the .cfg file don't work, and in fact, get reset when you try to use them.
3. The work queue runs out at odd times, leaving machines idle. (Like the whole Christmas break!)
4. The project is "real-time" so it can't be no-netted. (Can't do anything about this one.)
5. The official stats database "loses" team affiliation at odd times.
6. The official forum is kaput and the admins evidently don't want to post here. (OK, ONE post!)
7. The EON website doesn't even have a "News" page so that crunchers could be kept informed.

I've been pimping to get folks to run this project, but no more. People, take your cycles where they will be appreciated. There are lots of distributed computing projects out there. Find one with more attentive admins.