By now, the new year is being celebrated across the US, and you mates across the pond are likely well into your hangover, so I wanted to take a minute and wish everyone a happy, prosperous new year. This seems like a good group of people (or perhaps its just the Long Islands), so I have started off 2004 by joining up.

Actually, I've been reading the "official" and the other Free-DC forums for a few weeks now, and I have to say that you people seem to be your own best recruiting tool -- well, with the exception of Fozzie's updates, which are really top-notch. There are definitely some personalities around here, let me put it that way (yes, A99, I'm talking about you, among others). That said, I'll definitely be comfortable here.

For now my boxen are few, with only a 2000+ and my old Duron 700 in action for DF at the moment. However, there may be some borging in my future, as I learn the finer points from you all. The other good news is that I should have a new 2500+ system up in a week or so, and (thanks to the forums here), I'm working a deal to upgrade the 2000+ to a 2500+. Hopefully that's enough to RK a few on my way to the top 30 or so.

To 2004, to Free-DC, and to sticking it to those darn Arsians!
Drink up, lads and lasses!