In another thread of this forum IronBits' response "Patience young Jedi" got me laughing, but it is good advice for my first time experience here.

The nice thing about this project is that it really maximizes cpu time by not doing lots of network activity and result checking every 5 minutes like DF.

Two things I'd like to see improved are: it lacks any scheduled feedback on progress. To use over 12 hours of cpu time and not report one iota of status to the server, nor points for it, makes it "no fun" to monitor activity except on a more laid back, weekly(?) basis since there is no guarantee that any pointage will occur on a daily basis when it takes this long. I know: it is about finding drugs, not points.

The THINK Job information "Progress:" is useless. What good does it do to show a percentage completion when it spends over 4 hours on 99.17%? Unrelated to the update frequency issue above, I think improving the approach they are using to calculate progress would at least make this project more interesting to monitor. A progress stuck on one number for many hours always worries me that its not working properly, although in this case I assume it is expected and I just need more patience.