How does one hide the sieve client???

I have it installed on some networked computers and every so often someone will close the MS-DOS window.

It would even be better to have a service install for the client ...

Anyway I'm sure it can be done using windows or Sob software.

There is a cheat to hide the sieve client using setispy software...

First start the sieve client and give it a range etc start it running for a minute and stop the client. Then make sure there is another range for it to work on so it will continue after that range is done, (create a nextrange.txt file etc.).

Then unzip and run the setispy program if you can get it to start

First ignore all of the warning say that seti is not installed can't fine *.sah etc.

Then click on the client tab specify it to run the sieve client

Then click hide seti client (cmov.exe) then click re-start client

Check your task manager and see that your cpu is being used, obviously no dos window is on the desktop, exit the setispy program.

Seems to be working but this proceedure is less than par.

ARe there better ways????