The 2005 sieving and factoring challenge is now well under way.

For anyone that has sieved or P-1 factored in the past this is a quiet call to come back and give it a try again. The playing field has been levelled, the scores are based only on finds made during 2005.

If you've never tried sieving or factoring before. Come and give it a try, right now with a couple of lucky factors you'll find yourself in the top three.

The early leader comes primarily (no pun intended) from the P-1 camp, but the number two spot is currently occupied by a serious siever with a lot of very good factors.

My personal efforts are currently not looking too representative of my all time performance. I guess that's a polite way of saying I'm looking pretty rubbish right now.

Best of luck to everyone. Hope to see some new and returning faces.