I won a "new" computer on the 14th and it's set to arrive sometime tomorrow, it's an XP2000(don't know the actual GHz, yet).

I'm going to install Linux on it and use it solely as a cruncher. Once everything's installed, I'm hoping to communicate with through my Windows computer, hopefully using my Windows computer as a server if I switch to a applicable project. Anyway I have some questions:

After I install Fedora Project 1(I'm going to use another forum for this), I need to know the following(in no particular order:

(1) What is the sieving speed for an XP2000 running the 50M .dat?

(2) What is the best program to communicate with my node Linuxiso.org says that Fedora core 3 has what I need, I don't know about core #1.

(3) I need advice on installing and tracking my progress. Can Sobistrator work with a Linux box?

(4) Anything else you want to add.