Up to 29,140 new lights for next year because of those damn 75% off sales. Also picked up 2,000ft of 14 and 16 gauge wire and I'm starting to actually design the frame of the house. Figure I'm going to outline the house with electrical conduit... makes for a nice straight frame and I can easily fish my wires.

Theme next year will be "Silver and Gold". Everything I do will have at least Silver(aka White) and Gold(aka Yellow). Probably going to also include Red since it goes very well with the other two colors. Picked up ~2,000 Blue lights too just for the song "Blue Christmas".

Each color will be able to be controlled separately and each color will also be able to "chase" itself around the frame of the house. Lots of controller channels involved for this, but I've watched 60 or 70 videos so far and the ones that stick out use very subtle effects like that.

I completed the first 16-channel controller this past weekend and have started to do some very basic programming with it. DAMN cool unit and program. LOR(aka Light-o-Rama) is an awesome company and I can't wait to pick up 4 or 5 more 16-channel controllers from them in April when they have a major off-season sale.

Absolutely lovin' the new hobby!