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Thread: Come check out No Prime Left Behind!

  1. #1

    Talking Come check out No Prime Left Behind!

    Hi all,

    As a co-admin of the No Prime Left Behind project, I would like to extend an invitation to all the members of Free-DC to come on over and check us out! We are a project searching for large prime numbers (as the name implies) of the form k*2^n-1, specifically for values of k from 300-1001. All of our search ranges are such that if you find a prime with us, it will make the 5000 Largest Known Primes list (essentially the Guinness Book of World Records of prime searching)!

    Both manual and network clients are available, and we have a stats page where scores are kept for both types of clients. We also do an LLRnet rally every few weeks or so, where, for 24 hours straight (we hope to possibly do a 48 hour one sometime in the future), everybody participating in the rally will throw as much raw crunching power at one of our LLRnet servers, with the goal of finding as many primes as possible and pushing up our searched range higher at the same time. They're a whole lot of fun, and provide excellent opportunity for team rivalry!

    Currently Free-DC is in the lead in the NPLB stats, though their presence there has been waning of late, and the "no team" team is catching up on them fast! So, I challenge all the Free-DC members to make lots of big on NPLB to secure their first place spot!

    We also have a sister project, Conjectures 'R Us, for which the goal is to prove all the unproven Riesel and Sierpinski conjectures for bases <32, and even higher for bases that are powers of 2! Like NPLB, Conjectures 'R Us has both manual and network clients available, and though it is a smaller project, it's still a lot of fun. So, if proving mathematical conjectures is more your thing, you've found the right place.

    Come check us out!

    Max Dettweiler
    (Co-admin/moderator for NPLB and CRUS)

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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  3. #3
    Ancient Programmer Paratima's Avatar
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    Yup. Stats make to world go 'round. Deal with it!
    HOME: A physical construct for keeping rain off your computers.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Helix_Von_Smelix View Post
    Well, I've been bugging the guy who runs the stats to update them more regularly--normally he can do it quite frequently, but recently he's gotten quite busy. Fortunately, when the stats are updated, they are quite nice IMO. What we really need is an automated system to get them updated on a regular basis--I'm sure someone who is a little bit more experienced in programming than I could do it easily over the course of a weekend.

  5. #5
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    If you could just produce a simple file in any format (txt,csv,xml,whatever) of


    at the bare minimum I could add it to the stats here...


  6. #6
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  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Bok View Post
    If you could just produce a simple file in any format (txt,csv,xml,whatever) of


    at the bare minimum I could add it to the stats here...

    The problem is, the scores are currently calculated manually by Karsten (our stats guy). I'm not quite sure what formula he uses for calculating LLRnet scores; I'll have to ask him.

    An automatic stats-generator script would have to essentially do the following:

    1) Download the latest daily results files for each individual LLRnet server.
    2) Concatenate them onto a big master results file containing all the previous results files for all servers.
    3) Parse through that master results file, calculating the individual score for each k/n pair (I think it's done by individual k/n pair, but I'm not 100% sure) and adding it to the user's score.
    4) Generate a table with all the usernames and scores.
    5) Sort the table by score.
    6) Output the sorted info in two different formats: CSV (for stats imports such as Bok's) and an HTML page like we currently have it displayed in.

    It would seem pretty simple at first glance--as I said before, it's more a matter of investing the time and effort into writing the program. Now that I've laid out everything the script would have to do, it doesn't look as hard as I thought it would be originally--maybe I will be able to write it after all.


  8. #8
    Well, I've just PM'ed Karsten about the LLRnet stats formula--as soon as he can tell me what it is, I'll see what I can do about getting an automated stats script set up.

  9. #9
    Karsten was able to update the LLRnet scores not long ago, the rest of the scores should come soon. After looking at the LLRnet scores table just now, though, I realized that there is no fancy points system for the LLRnet scores like I had thought, instead users are just scored by k/n pairs done! So, it should be really easy now for me to code up a stats script. Stay tuned, hopefully I can get the time to work on it soon.

  10. #10
    Hi all,

    We will soon be starting an LLRnet rally, from 7 PM GMT today (Saturday) to 7 PM GMT Sunday. Details can be found here; a similar thread in the official NPLB project forum can be found here, that is where the primary discussion on it will be going on.

    Because this is done on our port 300 LLRnet server, we have some very cool stats available, which you can watch at They are automatically updated, and and I believe they are real-time too--in fact, I'm sure Bok could probably get them wired into the Free-DC stats pages until we can get an automated whole-project stats system going. (These stats essentially cover half the project, the other half of course being our port 5000 server which is only covered by the manually updated stats.) So now all you stats weenies won't have anything to complain about anymore.

    So, come on and give us a hand for the rally to check out NPLB a bit--I'm sure lots of you will find it a really fun project and want to stay!

  11. #11
    Oh, I forgot to mention: Free-DC is waaaaaaay behind in the port 300 server stats, so even more incentive to throw lots of firepower our way.

    Edit: Also, make sure you prefix your username in the LLRnet config files with "Free-DC_", so it looks like "Free-DC_username", that way we can know to mark you as a member of Free-DC for the team stats.
    Last edited by Max Dettweiler; 05-03-2008 at 01:29 PM.

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