It is for donors. Subject to change, as I'm just testing it all out!

But it's not fully automatic at all yet. I have a script which will go through and set the donor level for a user in all projects based on their id's in statstool. I ran it for a few known donors last night. It's way beyond time that I recognized these people.

Biggest problem I have is that I have a list of people who have donated over the years but no current way to easily tie the email address back to a user (hmm, perhaps I can use the email addresses in vbulletin to check..)

It's going to take a while to get it sorted out.

I do like the idea of 'special' crunching awards though. That would be pretty easy to automate Different icons though. I'll get with the resident graphic artist (Gopher) and see if we can come up with something..
