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Thread: Statstool Configuration

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Statstool Configuration

    I didn't see a support forum, so I'm posting my question here. I'm having trouble configuring the Beta statstool here:

    I mainly do WCG, both with the UD agent and Boinc. I also used to crunch for FaD with BitBenderTech.

    I inputted my username in the blocks for the above projects and get incorrect results. I put my team name, Christians, after my username in the WCG sections, but the Boinc category returned zero and the WCG only shows the points I've achieved with my current team, not overall. Is there a way of showing total points? I also got zero for Find-A-Drug until I removed the team name.

    What am I doing wrong? Am I not formatting the name correctly? I'd like the Boinc info to show up.

    By the way, I tried going to the normal statstool and I keep getting a cookie error, even after logging off, then back on.

    Here's my sig:

  2. #2
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    For the WCG one, you have it correct. I'm afraid I don't currently have a way to show combined scores as WCG itself does not give any parseable way of getting it.

    For the boinc version names are all numeric. You can see in both cases by looking at your individual page.

    So your id would be 58751

    Looks like the signature is still off a little in the archived section, I'll try to get to that next week.


  3. #3
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    Thanks, Bok! I didn't know about using the number for Boinc.

    Regarding overall points/results for WCG, I noticed that shows the total points/results. Are they using a different method from you?

    Thanks again for the help!

  4. #4
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    As they are only concerned with a few individuals I presume they go to each users page to get the data.

    If I was to do that I'd probably get IP banned by WCG - I would have to do MANY MANY more page requests than they do currently.

    It would also fsck up the team scores.

    It all boils down to WCG not providing the data for 3rd party stats I'm afraid. UD was the same, dnet is somewhat the same too. Unfortunately they refuse to offer a solution, though I guess the normal WCG client will disappear at some point soon anyway.


  5. #5
    First of all - the design of stats3. is very good! ^_^
    There are some problems with my stats :
    1) I cant get to old stats (cookie problems or so)
    2) No Pi-segment and RC572 stats ( i hope the will be in the future )
    3) Old stats font (and archived projectys for now) is good and the new one is antialiased but completely unreadable. I Hope the will be choise of the font or another good fixed font without anti-aliasing or so.
    4) Colours will work, i think =)

    5) Thanks a lot for the stats =)

  6. #6
    Free-DC Semi-retire gopher_yarrowzoo's Avatar
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    Bok - is the "Custom Color" option working at all just a question as they all appear to be getting generated with the same "color" scheme i.e background of transparent or is that on your "To Do" list.
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  7. #7
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    it's a todo..

    I was actually hoping someone else would take up the coding of the I've kind of left them alone. All the code is there to take the parameters from the options saved in statstool already..

  8. #8
    Free-DC Semi-retire gopher_yarrowzoo's Avatar
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    Oh I see, I said yeah to doing it but well erm my To Do list is probably as long as yours is and none of it's programming.
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  9. #9
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    yeah, so you understand here I'm coming from.....

    help is an almost an impossible thing to come by..

  10. #10
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    Bok, Any change of getting POEM added to the Stats Configuring Tool dropdown? Matter of fact I don't see POEM on any projects dropdown either, although do see the POEM stats pages...

  11. #11
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    it's in there (get's automatically added on these stats when I add a new project..)

    Use this one, might even be switching the old ones off tonight..


  12. #12

    Font choosing is great !

    Just add custom fonts and other customisations will not be so important =)
    freeware Terminus for example
    Or Tahoma or Courier.

    Any font without that trash-pixels after anti-alias.


  13. #13
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    This one looks better

    Courtesy of our friendly Gopher....

  14. #14
    Unholy Undead Death's Avatar
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    oh well

    first places in bold will looks kinda better. if implementation not too hard...
    wbr, Me. Dead J. Dona \

  15. #15
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    nope, it's not hard.

    I'll make it an option ins statstool tonight.

  16. #16
    Free-DC Semi-retire gopher_yarrowzoo's Avatar
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    Yeah and theres even more statstool config tweaks coming soon.......
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  17. #17
    Target Butt IronBits's Avatar
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    I'm not able to unselect projects in the Archived Projects section.
    I unselect them all, click on update and they all get checked again.

    I like Remmers stats config color scheme

  18. #18
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Not quite true

    You deselected them and they were deselected, it's just that statstool kept on displaying the checkbox wrongly


  19. #19
    Xtreme Friend riptide's Avatar
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    I'm having problems changing my backgournd colour in statstool. the setting won't stick. And I end up with a black box below.. LOL

  20. #20
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    hmmm, looks like the color picker doesn't set the value in the field on that one. You can manually set it, but I'll look at it now..

  21. #21
    Xtreme Friend riptide's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bok View Post
    hmmm, looks like the color picker doesn't set the value in the field on that one. You can manually set it, but I'll look at it now..
    Hey Bok did you do something? Cos if you didn't its working... which implies that theres a delay or somethig in having the Fields filled back to the front end.

    if you did do something.,.. I'm just talking shyte. LOL

    Edit: ITs broke again. Waaa

  22. #22
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Looks like there is a javascript error that I need to debug, don't know why it doesn't work when the example I have (which looks identical) works fine.

    For now, you can use the color picker and see the value it would choose, hex in the form #66FF33 and just type it in.

    I'll debug it some more later.


    EDIT - Wait, you have a static image there. These are only generated once per hour. If you can it's best to use the php version at

    I provide the static images via a script run at the top of the hour for those places which don't allow php scripts to show..

  23. #23
    I've come across a few little errors with the StatsTool Config.

    1) It only allows you to change the background colour if you have 4 or more proejcts. With 1-3 projects it'll stay black, even if you manually enter the RGB values.

    2) Background images don't seem to work properly with only a few projects, only giving you the gray-to-brown transition image.

    3) Doesn't have an option to display the team names (The older version had this option, yes?).

    4) Display DCR Rank, Display Team Total, Display TeamScore today and Display TeamRank tick boxes don't seem to do anything to the banner.


  24. #24
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by karl_eller View Post
    1) It only allows you to change the background colour if you have 4 or more proejcts. With 1-3 projects it'll stay black, even if you manually enter the RGB values.
    I'll let Gopher take a look at that. Sounds odd though..

    Quote Originally Posted by karl_eller View Post
    2) Background images don't seem to work properly with only a few projects, only giving you the gray-to-brown transition image.
    Same for that one.

    Quote Originally Posted by karl_eller View Post
    3) Doesn't have an option to display the team names (The older version had this option, yes?).
    The older one did have an option to select your team, but it never really did anything except within the DCR. AS the DR is not in the new version of the stats, I didn't activate it. The table still has the ability to hold the team in it though, so I might add it back in if I could use it someplace.

    Quote Originally Posted by karl_eller View Post
    4) Display DCR Rank, Display Team Total, Display TeamScore today and Display TeamRank tick boxes don't seem to do anything to the banner.
    Correct, no DCR, so I disabled that option and the Team parts have been disabled in the signature for now due to a bug.

    Thanks for the feedback!


  25. #25
    Free-DC Semi-retire gopher_yarrowzoo's Avatar
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    1) It only allows you to change the background colour if you have 4 or more proejcts. With 1-3 projects it'll stay black, even if you manually enter the RGB values.
    What did you set the various items to under Signature Customisation. I look at it, it's reads your background as '50 50 50' or #323232 basically black.
    title is red, sub-header is blue, scores as green and the project names as a greenish blue '0 100 255'.

    2) Background images don't seem to work properly with only a few projects, only giving you the gray-to-brown transition image.
    The default bg is "golden glow" but it's faded into the background which is why it probably looks gray-to-brown as it is at 40% opacity.

    3) Doesn't have an option to display the team names (The older version had this option, yes?).
    Hmm well I look this up and your team comes up empty (possibly due to an unpopulated entry, I'll leave that to Bok).

    I'll change your background to be '249 249 233' which was the default before the switched were switched on..

    Found the bug it's got it working on the test stats server but I can't put the fix on the stats server itself (darn permissions)
    Another "admin" is gonna have to fix that one, I'll leave the colors as is
    Also Riptides seems to work fine now no longer black / brown to gray..
    Last edited by gopher_yarrowzoo; 06-11-2008 at 04:59 PM. Reason: Update
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  26. #26
    Bok, are the static images set up yet? I believe they used to be at "".

    Nice work on the new stats!

  27. #27
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    They are, the script runs once per hour to generate them, but only if you have selected a static image via statstool..

    But I can see that you did select it, but a fault in my update script set the column to 'O' rather than 'Y'. I've fixed the problem and updated your row, so your static image will appear when it next runs in about 30min..


  28. #28 Beerknurd's Avatar
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    How do you upload a picture to your stats sig background??
    It's where your friends are...

  29. #29
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    We haven't really got anything automated into place yet as they need to be potentially cropped, but drop gopher_yarrowzoo a line here and let him know how to get the image and I'm sure he'll accomodate.


  30. #30
    Free-DC Semi-retire gopher_yarrowzoo's Avatar
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    Yeah just PM me, with a link and i'll see what I can do...

    Just thought - tag knows user name save bg as "username" and tweak the defaults as user -> team -> default if image on..
    I'll put that in and run it on the test realm..
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  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Bok View Post
    They are, the script runs once per hour to generate them, but only if you have selected a static image via statstool..

    But I can see that you did select it, but a fault in my update script set the column to 'O' rather than 'Y'. I've fixed the problem and updated your row, so your static image will appear when it next runs in about 30min..

    Thanks Bok!

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Bok View Post
    They are, the script runs once per hour to generate them, but only if you have selected a static image via statstool..

    But I can see that you did select it, but a fault in my update script set the column to 'O' rather than 'Y'. I've fixed the problem and updated your row, so your static image will appear when it next runs in about 30min..

    Hmm..still doesn't work. I just get the stats "redirect" page:

  33. #33
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    not sure. Will debug and get it working tonight..

    /Bok is puzzled.

  34. #34
    Free-DC Semi-retire gopher_yarrowzoo's Avatar
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    hmm just use that does work
    no idea why it's not running the script and saving it.

    okay did a manual run on it so it's visible now - Bok will have to fix the cron job I ain't doing that.
    Last edited by gopher_yarrowzoo; 06-13-2008 at 06:22 PM. Reason: Update
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  35. #35
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    some forums don't allow php.. that's why I created the static images script.

  36. #36
    Thanks guys! It's working now.

    The Anandtech TAS forum doesn't allow php scripts.

  37. #37
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    cron job should be fixed now....

  38. #38
    I'm still getting sitechange on this one . Is it wrong?

    OK Now.

  39. #39
    Xtreme Friend riptide's Avatar
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    Hi. I saw beofre where Bok said we have to 'reset' our ID in EON and F@H. What does 'reset' actually mean? My name for statstool was carried through anyway, but the sig won't show up pointage? Any ideas?

  40. #40
    Free-DC Semi-retire gopher_yarrowzoo's Avatar
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    What is meant by that is add the number to the end of your name
    like mine for F@H is gopher_yarrowzoo and im in team number 758 so it becomes gopher_yarrowzoo758 it's so it gives something unique basically.
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