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Thread: Some interesting metrics....

  1. #1
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Some interesting metrics....

  2. #2
    Senior Member paleseptember's Avatar
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    The last three pages still have "Most 250K Scores" as the headings rather than most top ranks, top tens, etc.

  3. #3
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Fixed that...

    Here is another one..

    Teams with the most 1M point projects..

  4. #4
    =>Team Joker<= LAURENU2's Avatar
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    I think Bok is haveing Fun
    Last edited by LAURENU2; 07-28-2008 at 07:50 PM.

  5. #5
    Free-DC Semi-retire gopher_yarrowzoo's Avatar
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    Yeah he is, but hey you've gotta let him have fun sometimes otherwise we get a very tired, cranky and irritable Bok, not good.
    Semi-retired from Free-DC...
    I have some time to help.....
    I need a new laptop,but who needs a laptop when you have a phone...
    Now to remember my old computer specs..

  6. #6
    HI Bok, great stuff you do.

    How do you determine which project qualifies for each category?

    You do not list Majestic 12, Dimes, OGR25, PSP Proth, SoB, Riesel Sieve LLR, and others.

  7. #7
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    These are only for boinc projects, where there is (rough) parity.

    Unfortunately, it wouldn't make too much sense to include other projects using their own scoring schemes...


  8. #8
    I see a problem, there seems to be two "outlnder"s. Anyway to combine them??

    outlnder, spelled with a small "L" not capital "I".

    Listed in "Most Team Top 10's" #1647 and #2566, both are me, I, myself being only one person.

  9. #9
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    It's grouped via the boinc cross project id, so name wouldn't really matter, it will just be a matter of getting your cpid's matched up..

    is one thread on doing that, I'm sure there are many others out there.

    The crux of it, is make sure your email address is the same on all projects (including case). If you have to change it, make sure you do a unit for that project so the updated cpid gets placed into the xml files for export. My stats would then pick that up.


  10. #10
    Thanks, getting the email addys straightened out now.

  11. #11
    About how long does it take to move things over? I've changed my email address and completed at least one work unit.

  12. #12
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Which projects ?

    I'm not an expert on the cpid by any means, but I believe, if you change the email address, run a unit, then make sure it is validated, the next time the xml stats are generated it should have the new cpid.

    I only run the script for these milestones once per day. Could easily do it more often if people wanted though as it doesn't use up much processing power at all..


  13. #13
    Target Butt IronBits's Avatar
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    I think the email address is case sensitive, which sucks because Predictor@Home forces all lower case, thus it will never fall under my one CPID.

    Here's yours, scroll all the way down to the bottom to see which ones have gotten away from you

  14. #14
    I've always used lower case, so that shouldn't be a problem. But three different listings?? I've only used 2 email addresses.

  15. #15
    Target Butt IronBits's Avatar
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    hashclash is over, so no migration there either

  16. #16
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    yeah, but I can manually change cpid's in the DB for projects that are over....and I'm quite happy to do that given reassurance that the users are indeed the same..

    I just did it on hashclash for one of the SETI.USA guys..


  17. #17
    Target Butt IronBits's Avatar
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    That's good to know, can you change mine please for hashclash?

  18. #18
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    I really need to teach you sql don't I

    On second thoughts that could be dangerous !!!


  19. #19
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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  20. #20
    Target Butt IronBits's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bok View Post

    I really need to teach you sql don't I

    On second thoughts that could be dangerous !!!

    That would be YES, to both statements.

  21. #21
    Free-DC Semi-retire gopher_yarrowzoo's Avatar
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    Bok, hell yeah all I will say is "DROP TABLE"...
    Semi-retired from Free-DC...
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    Now to remember my old computer specs..

  22. #22
    If you would be so kind as to change my CPID in Hashclash also, it would be greatly appreciated.

  23. #23
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Any joy fixing the others?

    I need to enable the cross project search on name... Works fine in the DB, just haven't created a page to do it yet


    mysql> select id,nick,cpid,proj,metric1 from temp_boinc_user where nick like 'outlnder%';
    | id | nick | cpid | proj | metric1 |
    | 11565 | outlnder | acfce745d1144175e77e79189e3a79c9 | abc | 112438.421126 |
    | 1617 | outlnder | 5f3a2b2ddeb6cd5b3b92054a66157278 | aps | 726.279895 |
    | 212134 | outlnder | acfce745d1144175e77e79189e3a79c9 | bbe | 22291.199502 |
    | 366819 | outlnder | acfce745d1144175e77e79189e3a79c9 | bwcg | 43212.859106 |
    | 4803 | outlnder | 5f3a2b2ddeb6cd5b3b92054a66157278 | cos | 37500 |
    | 1662 | outlnder | acfce745d1144175e77e79189e3a79c9 | has | 7261.258143 |
    | 2789 | outlnder | 5f3a2b2ddeb6cd5b3b92054a66157278 | lat | 14885.325442 |
    | 10543 | outlnder | acfce745d1144175e77e79189e3a79c9 | lei | 13073.4664 |
    | 87722 | outlnder | 5f3a2b2ddeb6cd5b3b92054a66157278 | lhc | 480.40442 |
    | 15617 | outlnder | 5f3a2b2ddeb6cd5b3b92054a66157278 | mal | 152825.67042 |
    | 2523 | outlnder | 5f3a2b2ddeb6cd5b3b92054a66157278 | mil | 290057.874804 |
    | 3550 | outlnder | acfce745d1144175e77e79189e3a79c9 | pgrid | 2187971.68995 |
    | 1606 | outlnder | 5f3a2b2ddeb6cd5b3b92054a66157278 | poe | 1417619.752748 |
    | 2867 | outlnder | acfce745d1144175e77e79189e3a79c9 | pro | 539535.883507 |
    | 29818 | outlnder | acfce745d1144175e77e79189e3a79c9 | qmc | 572824.966369 |
    | 179600 | outlnder | acfce745d1144175e77e79189e3a79c9 | rah | 3440.376949 |
    | 3562 | outlnder | f26b8a38db92f63a81d5cbbf24a7f4fd | rsi | 69322.478989 |
    | 9131 | outlnder | acfce745d1144175e77e79189e3a79c9 | sha | 23770 |
    | 17657 | outlnder | acfce745d1144175e77e79189e3a79c9 | sim | 291357.715982 |
    | 15138 | outlnder | acfce745d1144175e77e79189e3a79c9 | spi | 433810.838128 |
    | 1804 | outlnder | acfce745d1144175e77e79189e3a79c9 | sud | 947.728134 |
    | 2406 | outlnder | acfce745d1144175e77e79189e3a79c9 | sup | 8658.392262 |
    | 2156 | outlnder | acfce745d1144175e77e79189e3a79c9 | tan | 237198.988763 |
    | 11995 | outlnder | acfce745d1144175e77e79189e3a79c9 | uah | 3865.610571 |
    | 4013 | outlnder | 5f3a2b2ddeb6cd5b3b92054a66157278 | yoy | 811263.561107 |
    25 rows in set (0.00 sec)

  24. #24
    Some have come around, but I don't understand how they are getting their identifier?

    My main machine is doing and has done projects with 2 of the identifiers. I just did the work units that changed identifiers from the unwanted identifier to the wanted identifier on this machine, yet most of the work done on this machine is being shown on the unwanted identifier.

    Is there a way to change the cross project identifier on each machine to be the same? And if so, what file would I change?

  25. #25
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    I don't really know

    I would have *thought* it would be a server side only thing though.

    So you've changed your email address on a project, done a unit (which has been verified and credited) and a stats update has shown this, but the cpid has not changed?

    That's the steps I would have taken, so beyond that I'm unsure...

  26. #26
    Some of the projects did change. But the projects that I am doing on the machine that changed the CPID, are still reporting on the unwanted CPID. This machine is reporting 2 different CPIDs.

  27. #27
    Target Butt IronBits's Avatar
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    Have you tried to detach and re-attach?
    It sure is a PITA system they came up with without having a method to manually change it.

  28. #28
    I've now got 20 onto my Boinc page. I'm only missing Yoyo, Milkyway, Cosmology, APS and Riesel Sieve Boinc(which isn't running).

    I will try detaching Yoyo and MilkyWay. I think Cosmology will change later today.

  29. #29
    This is crazy. I now have 21 projects listed, but I will gain one today and then loose it tomorrow when I gain a different project. Back and forth we go.

  30. #30
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    How will you lose it again ?

  31. #31
    Right now I have 23 projects on my Boinc page. This is the most ever and I am very happy.

    Bok, SHA-1 has come and gone twice I think. It is back now, so let's hope it stays.

    If you've done any manual manipulation, I thank you, good sir.

  32. #32
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    I haven't on SHA, what that means is you're flip-flopping.

    ie. two machines are somehow reporting two different cpid's.

    Classic case of this is Chimichango on th full Boinc Combined list here

    I think I'd be tempted to shutdown SHA on all but one machine, until it's correct for a few days and no pending work perhaps, then reset the project on all machines.


  33. #33
    Today Yoyo is not there.

    Notice the -834,490 points.

    I think I will just not worry about this and go back to doing the work rather getting the credit.

    Thanks for the help.

  34. #34
    =>Team Joker<= LAURENU2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ARS-outlnder View Post
    Today Yoyo is not there.

    Notice the -834,490 points.
    Well you know Yoyos do have there UP's and Downs

  35. #35
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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  36. #36
    Bok, do you think I need to detach from every computer that is running Sha-1??

  37. #37
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    I read up on this a little more last night. What some people are saying (and they usually are correct) is that the easiest way is to make sure you have one PC that is attached to every project. You then don't necessarily have to crunch anything as long as it reports in once.

    That way it should propagate the correct CPID throughout the projects.

    I tried this with my Pirates@Home account which had a wrong cpid (even though the email address was the same) and it worked. Of course I didn't have it attached on any other machine.

    I would like to understand this process a little better as my stats obviously work better if people are in sync, so I'd like to have a definitive FAQ on it. So I would appreciate if you could keep trying if you don't mind..


  38. #38
    SHA-1 is back today. And my Boinc page has 23 projects.

    And I totally forgot that I am running SHA on my P4s. I bet thats where the wrong CPID is.

  39. #39
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    I see 10 machines which have returned results today on SHA for you...

    Always a good way to keep a check on it...

  40. #40
    I have been working on this CPID problem since Nov 2006. There isn't an easy to fix it. The only thing that helped was on the 23rd of July I detached (Delayed Detach through BAM) 15 of 16 PCs from all the projects which left one connecting to project servers. Within one day the CPIDs were sync'd. Then, once my average total credits went from ~300K to ~400K, to 1.1M I started attaching one at a time after renaming them since the projects have that PCs name/CPID. Since, it was would have taken too long to rename and get them back up and running, I stopped at 2.

    So, My bad, After all were attached the only CPID probelm was with the down projects. But now the old CPIDs are coming back.

    None of the so called thing to correct or keep them sync'd is true. I have been using the same username, email, country, URL, zipcode, and password since I started running BOINC Projects. I have had all PCs attached to all projects all the time, except for this last mulyiple detach in July.

    CPIDs are really stupid for users since they don't work. Email addresses work and user IDs work. Every project I attach to asks for Email and password Not CPIDs. What can't BOINC Get this straight?

    Good thing they don't use CPIDs for teams, at least their scored are correct.

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