sample .csv file as you can see, I break out the team names, the TYPE of server and PORT is taken from the filenaming convention I use for results.txt
Everything you could possibly ask for has been broken down - just give Bok and I some time to work out my pre-processing into his merging routines into his database formate and enjoy what you have for now.
Free-DC tnerual 9/23/2008 8:43:04 305 2 538086 - 1 0 189C507D6B24EB89 906
- Nomarcland 9/23/2008 8:56:39 395 2 538048 - 1 0 DE3EDE89F9AFB6D0 100329
Oh, his db resides on the same HDD as my db
Carlos could send me his results.txt files and I can convert them to .csv files easily.