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Thread: Started on some stats..

  1. #1
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Started on some stats..

    Seeing as I can access the database for nplb, I wrote some sql to pull out the data into seperate tables. Then created some php to pull the data from those tables and then wrote a driver for my stats to pull from here...

    Not knowing too much about it, if there are problems let me know..

    It'll take a day to settle down..


  2. #2
    Free-DC's Prime Search
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    Thank you Bok.

  3. #3
    Woo hoo! Thanks a whole, whole bunch Bok! I've been hoping for this for a long time--maybe now we'll have some more folks from Free-DC interested in NPLB.

    Especially now that OGR's practically over--hey guys, if anyone out there's looking for a new project to run after OGR, come and check out NPLB! We could definitely use some help.

    (assistant admin at NPLB)

    P.S.: One thing that could be changed on the stats page is that we don't keep track of hosts on our stats pages. Instead this could be replaced with the # of primes found by each user--that information can be pulled from here.

  4. #4
    Free-DC's Prime Search
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    Just found s few bugs. The totals for teams are correct but the members on it are wrong.

    The following members are not in Free-DC team: tnerual, Laurenu2, paratima, Petey, IronBits, Beyond.

    The following members are not in Ars team: BlisteringSheep, smithdc


  5. #5
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    People on teams are based on the entries I found in the 'teams' table...

    That should be updated to reflect which users are on which teams..

    As for hosts replacement. It doesn't really fit into the framework to replace that, but I could do something similar to what I do for primegrid I guess where I do show the stats per project.

    I'll have to look at the tables again and see what info is available.


  6. #6
    Free-DC's Prime Search
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    When you click on the teams you see that there are members missing.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Bok View Post
    People on teams are based on the entries I found in the 'teams' table...

    That should be updated to reflect which users are on which teams..

    As for hosts replacement. It doesn't really fit into the framework to replace that, but I could do something similar to what I do for primegrid I guess where I do show the stats per project.

    I'll have to look at the tables again and see what info is available.

    Here's how to tell which team a user is on: the user will have the team name preceding their nickname as part of their listed username. For example, "Free-DC_em99010pepe" would be Carlos's username.

    Of course, that still doesn't solve the problem of how to determine whether an underscore denotes a team, or whether it is part of the username. What I did when writing a Perl script a while back for generating CSV format results to insert into our database, was keep a file called "teams.dat" which contained every possible permutation of every yet-known team name that would possibly show up in the result. Then, if the text before a "_" in a username matched one of the known team names, I would set that as the team name.

    I'm sure a similar thing could be used for your stats here--what comes to mind right off the bat is the possibility of reading all the team names on the team stats page, then using that similarly to my teams.dat file in my aforedescribed Perl script.


  8. #8
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    That's precisely what I've said in my previous post.. there is a table named teams in the nplb database.

    It's obviously not up to date, but as I'm not the admin of that DB as such, I'm not really going to change it unless IB asks me to.

    My stats are accurate based on the entries in that table as of right now...

    I don't particularly want to parse the usernames as they stand right now, as that's fairly messy and as you say, potentially inaccurate. Much better to have a cross reference table instead. Of course the usernames should be altered to remove the teamname really...


  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Bok View Post
    That's precisely what I've said in my previous post.. there is a table named teams in the nplb database.

    It's obviously not up to date, but as I'm not the admin of that DB as such, I'm not really going to change it unless IB asks me to.

    My stats are accurate based on the entries in that table as of right now...

    I don't particularly want to parse the usernames as they stand right now, as that's fairly messy and as you say, potentially inaccurate. Much better to have a cross reference table instead. Of course the usernames should be altered to remove the teamname really...

    Ah, I see what you mean. David, if you're reading this, could you please add a Team field to the Stats by User page? (Or, alternatively, generate a CSV file that pairs all the usernames with their respective team names?) Thanks.


  10. #10
    Target Butt IronBits's Avatar
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    Already do that in the .csv convert for results.txt... this is all temporary data I believe, so just get the look and feel down ...

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by IronBits View Post
    Already do that in the .csv convert for results.txt... this is all temporary data I believe, so just get the look and feel down ...
    But the CSV results aren't actually posted for stats systems like this one to download; obviously it wouldn't work too well to have the Free-DC system download all the results directly from the individual LLRnet servers, so I would think it would be most efficient simply to add a column for team name on the user stats page, so that Bok doesn't have to parse the usernames in order to get that info.

  12. #12
    Target Butt IronBits's Avatar
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    I do that already. Bok and I have not had time to work together on the importing mechanism yet.
    I asked him to take what he could out of my temporary trial db with the 'sample' of stats I have been importing as a trial to make sure it looked good.
    When Bok and I have time to hash out what I'm doing to get them into the database, he won't need to take them out of my database and port them into his database, we will be able to import directly from the .csv files that I generate, which are totally broken down 7 ways to Sunday, reliably.
    Give us some more time and enjoy what you have to look at as we work out the backend processing that I have been working hard on.

    When we sure we have it all worked out, he will purge what he has, import AES's db first, then I'll be exporting the individual results.txt files that I have so he can import them also into the database, then we will continue the process on a daily basis, probably around 8am as it has been doing and the stats system will be complete.

  13. #13
    Target Butt IronBits's Avatar
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    sample .csv file as you can see, I break out the team names, the TYPE of server and PORT is taken from the filenaming convention I use for results.txt
    Everything you could possibly ask for has been broken down - just give Bok and I some time to work out my pre-processing into his merging routines into his database formate and enjoy what you have for now.

    Free-DC tnerual 9/23/2008 8:43:04 305 2 538086 - 1 0 189C507D6B24EB89 906
    - Nomarcland 9/23/2008 8:56:39 395 2 538048 - 1 0 DE3EDE89F9AFB6D0 100329

    Oh, his db resides on the same HDD as my db
    Carlos could send me his results.txt files and I can convert them to .csv files easily.

  14. #14
    Free-DC's Prime Search
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    IB, I sent you a PM with the link page where I store the C443 server results.


  15. #15
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronBits View Post

    Oh, his db resides on the same HDD as my db
    Not quite...

    Your DB is on the forum server...

  16. #16
    Target Butt IronBits's Avatar
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    Oh, well you know how to fix that

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by IronBits View Post
    sample .csv file as you can see, I break out the team names, the TYPE of server and PORT is taken from the filenaming convention I use for results.txt
    Everything you could possibly ask for has been broken down - just give Bok and I some time to work out my pre-processing into his merging routines into his database formate and enjoy what you have for now.

    Free-DC tnerual 9/23/2008 8:43:04 305 2 538086 - 1 0 189C507D6B24EB89 906
    - Nomarcland 9/23/2008 8:56:39 395 2 538048 - 1 0 DE3EDE89F9AFB6D0 100329

    Oh, his db resides on the same HDD as my db
    Carlos could send me his results.txt files and I can convert them to .csv files easily.
    Ah, I get it now. Thanks for explaining.

  18. #18
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    I've loaded in all the csv files IB had, converted existing rows for the correct usernames (without the team in them) and added all the entries IB had for user/team pairs..

    Ran my stats against this and results are

    They still need verifying of course..


  19. #19
    Free-DC's Prime Search
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    Did you get the files from my server (C443)?

    IB is still missing from Free-DC team.

    IB, is it possible to add to the stats the candidates tested with the manual client?

    Thanks Bok.

  20. #20
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    IB got all the files, so we'll have to wait for him to answer that one..

    You're right I missed adding an entry for IronBits in the user-team table. Done that and re-ran the stats, they'll propagate to live soon.

  21. #21
    Free-DC's Prime Search
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    I didn't see an email from IB saying that only results from port 5000 and 400 were going to be imported.

    Here you can find the list of members affiliated with the teams.

  22. #22
    Target Butt IronBits's Avatar
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    I put everything in there that Gary asked me to import and nothing that he told me not to.
    Talk to Gary...

  23. #23
    Administrator AMDave's Avatar
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    deep in a while-loop
    These stats are now fixed thanks to Bok and IB for the appropriate torch cutting and arc welding
    The square peg is now in the round hole
    . . . . . ___
    . . . . . . .\___/\______
    . . . . . . . \__AMD___\\__

  24. #24
    Free-DC's Prime Search
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronBits View Post
    I put everything in there that Gary asked me to import and nothing that he told me not to.
    Talk to Gary...
    You can import the results from server C443.

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