I'm not sure of why, but i can't even get to the point of establishing 'Mother Ship' connection. I will try again. I still have 4 Opteron 250s that can be put into play along with the other hardware. I just wanted to get 1 running first and then copy it all over since all machines are the same FC8 config & kernel (less 1 'development machine' which has more 'toys')

I am using the same config and all that has worked in windows without incident.

I do apologize for the harsh words.... Now that i look at it I wish i could ammend my comments to be calmer. I was quite unprofessional. Please accept my apologies.

I can only hope I don't flame like that often, and if/when I ever do, I wish to thank you all for being a) calm and b) VERY professional and educational in your replies.

You deserve to know what precipitated me being on edge. Plain and simple: My 'forever-faithful' FC8 master DVD got a nasty scratch on it just as I was about to do a final (production) load on the new quad-quad box. After having fixed a bunch of little issues like drive 0 on port 1, etc I was ready to give it a go (grub never failed me before even in early 2002 with smart cards/flash solid-state emulated disks for a FAA certified device)...so you can imagine how upset i got after weeks of burnin/stress-testing/heat-sink curing.... suddenly to have it all go south. It would install and everything, but then go south with a GRUB boot failure. It did was it was told... but the existing config of the raid sure didn't like it and gave no notice (I will check into that)... Once fixed, I clearly had to start over and that is when Murphy's Law kicked in...... Gotta love it!

I thank you all again for your understanding and patience. I just put up a pair of Optie 1220s on OGR to help out there. FC8 is finally settling down with the new DVD burn and it's nice to have a warm room here in the basement now that winter is getting near.

I will try to get things stable ASAP and the 250s on Eon.... should be interesting.

So far, there is plenty of warm air to rise up to keep the first floor warm, so I am getting some secondary benefit.
