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Thread: Information from error.log

  1. #1
    Stats God in Training Darkness Productions's Avatar
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    Dec 2001
    The land of dp!

    Information from error.log

    Howard -

    Could you explain what these lines mean?

    ERROR: [001.001] {foldtrajlite.c, line 740} Too many files to send, some have been lost
    ERROR: [000.000] {foldtrajlite.c, line 5687} Too many files buffered

    Both of those showed up in the log of a client. Does that mean that it will just quit when it's saved up too much data? If so, then that's bad for me. I only get a chance to check the client once per week (if I'm lucky), and the upload requirements for the client are too great for the dialup connection.

  2. #2
    It means that you need to stop what you are doing and make sure that you have enalbed the "-df" switch on ALL clients.

    Although, I thought this was fixed in the case of no-net clients and uploading more than six data sets.

    Regardless, enable the -df switch (large buffering) and you won't have this problem again.

  3. #3
    What MAD-ness said. Additionally, I think there is still a hardcoded limit of 2500 files even with the -df switch IIRC. So, with a standard packet size of 5000 structures, that makes 1.25 million structures, but you could of course tweak the packet size a bit if you do no-netting for a prolongued period of time.

  4. #4
    Stats God in Training Darkness Productions's Avatar
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    I use dfGUI to run the client, and have it set to 10000 structures per file, with the no-net option on. Does the -df do something different? I honestly don't know if -df is on or not...

    But it was kind of annoying to see that I had lost almost 5 days of production on that box because it had too many files....

  5. #5
    dismembered Scoofy12's Avatar
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    On DFgui, the checkbox that says "increase buffer size" corresponds to the -df option. It should be checked by default.

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