v0.7 - Fixed the comma problem and made quite a lot of changes which will make adding new OGR or RC5 projects trivial. Also some other small miscellaneous changes.
v0.7 - Fixed the comma problem and made quite a lot of changes which will make adding new OGR or RC5 projects trivial. Also some other small miscellaneous changes.
Hi alpha,
one minor Problem. I think the counting of working days ist not correct
for ogrng because there no different logfiles (like for ogrp2); all ogr26 and
ogr27 logging goes into files like "pproxyogrngYYYYMMDD". But pppla counts
all logfiles with "ogrng" in it.
For example after 2 days for my little proxy
Sure, the % of Project is also wrong until we get numbers from dnet.Code:Overall OGR-27 PProxy stats based on 121 days: Smallest: 55.80 Gnodes, submitted on 26/02/2009 Largest: 615.77 Gnodes, submitted on 25/02/2009 Average: 279.05 Gnodes Total: 17,580 Gnodes Rate: 145 Gnodes/day, 0.00 Gnodes/sec, 1 stubs/day Best days: 11,952 Gnodes, on 26/02/2009 49 stubs, on 26/02/2009 Stubs done: 63 (0.00032% of project)
It's because I haven't released a new version which supports OGR-27 yet. You must've modified the script to have gotten output like you pasted. pppla v0.7 only supports RC5-72 and OGR-26 so if you specified OGR-27 on the command line it would have told you the supported projects in that version and bailed. pppla v0.8 will support RC5-72, OGR-25 (added back in), OGR-26 and OGR-27.
I could easily write the script to support any future OGR project (it's practically one line of code per project), but I would need to know the total stubs for each project. Unfortunately, without this information there will have to be a new version of the script every time we start a new project. However, the script is already (mostly) future-proofed for this, so all I have to add is a couple of lines. The log filenames doesn't matter, the script looks at the stub information on each line to pick out the appropriate stubs for the project queried.
As soon as I know the stubspace size of OGR-27 I'll post the new version.
clzupp, I misread what you said initially and can now see your point. I've made the necessary changes to fix the day (log) counting and that will be in the next version, fully working across all OGR projects (past and present).
IB: it's only a ~300 line script, <10 kilobytes.
OK, dnet have updated their stubspace status page for OGR-27 so I have updated the script.
v0.8 - Added support for OGRp2-25 back in. Added support for OGR-27. Minor cosmetic tweaks.
Post any problems or oddities here. I'm on holiday for a week from tomorrow, but I'll keep an eye on things and reply if and when I can.