Quote Originally Posted by Chuck View Post
Would it be easier for you to implement them on specific times.... eg.... project rollover (usually 0000Z) + some delay factor for the final stats data to be output to you?


Given approx US Pacific 00:30 is about the latest for any project + stats... would that work or does it take longer for end-of-day stats to reach you?

Just some thoughts about what would be most helpful (?). I know you work hard on stats and anything to make them predictable (so people like me don't fall into update/rollover holes again and cause undo work again) seems to make sense.... I would be willing to handle that.. The only downside I see is that UTC and UTC+1 projects would already be 8 and 9 hours into their 'day'.

Almost seems like a no-win scenario... true?

Edit: As a PS: WOuldn't having a predictable/ fixed rollover for server end-of-day would make the incremental updates easier / more predicable as well ? (that is what got me).

Edit2: Does the DB allow for 'end-of-day' rollover time for each project's stats you keep as well as the incremental update time(s) ?

No, I don't want it to be specific times and I don't do incremental as such. The stats are basically as up to date at any one time as they possibly can be. The only thing which is not updated immediately are the Boinc combined user scores - they are just too intensive - instead I update them every 6 interations of updates which tends to mean they can be up to ~ 2 hours out of sync.

I'd be happy to share a high level version of the scripts, but in a nutshell, they are all within loops. At the beginning of each rotation across projects, I check to see whether I've crossed a threshold (in this case into a new day) and perform the rollover, check for backups and various other things.

I did implement a fix for the rollover to keep the stats that Lauren had found in-sync. I meant to let Lauren know about it but forgot that part today..it's only displayed on stats4 right now, but if you want to check them after midnight MST time you can compare what it shows in the 28 days columns on stats4 to those on stats and you'll see the difference..As soon as they are confirmed by anyone else but me I'll roll them into stats..
