during getting new stubs, one of my clients said this:
[Jan 11 09:48:35 UTC] The perproxy says: OGR-NG is closed.
[Jan 11 09:48:35 UTC] NetUpdate::All contests are either closed (perproxy) or
disabled (client)
[Jan 11 09:48:35 UTC] Network update is currently not available.
[Jan 11 09:48:35 UTC] *Break* Shutting down...
[Jan 11 09:48:36 UTC] OGR-NG #d: Discarded 26/11-37-13-17-10
(project disabled/closed)
[Jan 11 09:48:36 UTC] OGR-NG #c: Discarded 26/10-9-30-22-45
(project disabled/closed)
[Jan 11 09:48:36 UTC] OGR-NG #b: Discarded 26/10-6-9-11-18
(project disabled/closed)
[Jan 11 09:48:36 UTC] OGR-NG #a: Discarded 26/11-37-13-18-2
(project disabled/closed)
after restarting dnetc it continued crunching... not so cool having a quad core sitting there idle...

a part of dnetc.ini:
anyone knows what is going on?
could it be a bug of "dnetc v2.9102-508-CTR-08122211 for Win32 (WindowsNT 5.1)." (which is prerelease only)?