from the log file:
Wed May 21 13:57:05 2008 sr2sieve 1.7.9 started: 991 <= n <= 49999997, 12304863208843501 <= p <= 12306600000000000
Mon Jun 2 20:22:57 2008 sr2sieve 1.7.9 stopped: at p=12305550583073911 because SIGHUP was received.
Mon Jun 2 20:22:57 2008 Found factors for 3 terms in -2829179.767 sec. (expected about 4.09)

Apparantly this computer was rebooted in early june of last year. I suppose all is well then, except Appeldorf will be doing duplicate work for most of his range.. I can start the sieving of the rest of this range at once if you want.