Quote Originally Posted by umccullough View Post
LOL, I set the PORT = 11 in prime.h in the __HAIKU__ section I created - I'm guessing that value is used to define the OS platform - once I confirm with prime95 that this number can be used officially for Haiku, I guess we can figure out how to update things so that it shows the proper platform info
You can use PORT = 11. Change this code in commonc.c:

PORT == 1 ? "Windows" :
PORT == 2 ? "Linux" :
PORT == 4 ? "Windows64" :
PORT == 5 ? "WindowsService" :
PORT == 6 ? "FreeBSD" :
PORT == 7 ? "OS/2" :
PORT == 8 ? "Linux64" :
PORT == 9 ? "Mac OS X" :
PORT == 10 ? "Mac OS X 64-bit" : "Unknown",