The results are Final!
What an incredible amount of work completed!
Over 1169T was crunched in the 48 hours of the Challenge. Over 389K tasks were returned resulting in over 11.1M cobblestones awarded. PrimeGrid's overall (Challenge + regular work) daily record was set on the second day of the Challenge with over 7.7M cobblestones for a 24 hour period. Congratulations to everyone...this is a great accomplishment.
We are still mopping up all those factors - over 1500 found!!! Hopefully we'll see some prime blooms in the coming months. 260 teams and 2092 individuals participated in the Challenge.
The Challenge Points stats are official. Congratulations to SETI.Germany as the top team and AF>XTBA>XTC FRED as the top individual. Maybe some sleeping giants have been awoken. Remember, the top 30 places earn points for this Challenge.
There were stats blips at the beginning with DST (off by 1 hour) and at the end again DST (off by 1 hour). However, both have now been resolved. Our apologies for this.
Thank you again to everyone. We appreciate your participation and hope you had fun! We wish y'all a nice spring and look forward to seeing you at the next Challenge - PrimeGrid's Birthday/Summer Solstice Challenge - 12-21 June - 9 days on the Prime Sierpinski Problem LLR! This will be our first time to do PSP LLR as a Challenge and what a bruiser it's going to be. Start cooling your machines now.