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Thread: What are you reading?

  1. #81
    Dungeon Master alpha's Avatar
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    It's time a posted an update here. I never finished Thud by Terry Pratchett, it was a little too manic for me at the time. Since then I started reading The War of Powers series by Robert E. Vardeman and Victor Milan. I blasted through the first three books at the end of last year and have started the next three this year. Don't let your kids get hold of these books if you've got them, they're definitely adult only. It's all good so far, if a bit generic.

    Also, something I wanted to mention in this thread is Bookmooch. It's a website that lets you swap books with other people. Basically, you add a book to your inventory that you own but don't want any more. Next, hopefully, someone tells you that they want your book. You go and mail it out to them at the post office, and you're credited with a point (or points, depending on where you sent it), which is your currency. Then, with your points you can "buy" other people's books. So it works out great if you want to get rid of books you've read, and still get some new ones in return. The only cost is travelling to the post office and sending books, but you're getting new books in return so it cancels out.

  2. #82
    Free-DC's Prime Search
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    I decided to buy some Dan Brown's novels like "Digital Fortress" and "Angels & Demons". I am done with those.

    Also finished "Polar Shift" from Clive Clusser.

    All of them are pocket books, they are

    I still have some 20 books on my waiting list, so much to read, so little time. Anyway, I trying to read at least a book per week.

    Also thinking if I should buy "The Steam and Condensate Loop Book" or not, that's $110!!!


    Get rid of books? Books are eternal and people should keep them. Just my point of view.


  3. #83

    Coyote, by Allen Steele

    I recently finally got around to reading all of my issues of Analog Science Fiction & Fact, and there were a couple of really good finds.

    First, the serialized story "Tracking" by David Palmer. You'll either love it or hate it, there's not much ground in between, depending on whether or not you can appreciate the main character. I (and my wife) loved it, enough for me to track down the novella "Emergence" which comes before it and paying $20 for a used copy.

    Every Analog also includes a reviews section, and armed with it I made a trip to my local used book store to try my luck. Fortunately, one of the first ones I found was "Coyote", by Allen Steele. This is one of the best books that I've ever read in any genre. My copies of the sequels (Coyote Rising and Coyote Frontier) arrived today, and I've just started.

  4. #84
    =>Team Joker<= LAURENU2's Avatar
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    I like reading the President,s Name on the currency like Grover Cleveland

  5. #85
    Free-DC's Prime Search
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    Hey BlisteringSheep,

    I hope you are well.

    Quote Originally Posted by em99010pepe View Post

    Also thinking if I should buy "The Steam and Condensate Loop Book" or not, that's $110!!!
    Got that one for work...

    Yesterday I went to a few libraries on the shopping mall and of course people here won't buy books at $25 each and above when the minimum wage is like $643. I always try to buy some cheap books but I was disappointed because I didn't find any.
    Anyway, now it's starting to appear some pocket books with good prices. I miss some Spanish trade like take 3 pay 2....


  6. #86
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    I re-read the Terry Goodkind books but recently I've just been reading thriller novels.

    I enjoyed The Last Oracle by James Rollins. Picked up the sequel - The Doomsday Key which is the same characters but haven't started it yet.

    Seeing as I put a lot of books away recently, I came across some I'd never read. One of these I just started last night, it's Deliverance which obviously spawned the movie. Good read so far, quite different to the movie, much more depth to the characters.

    I'm supposed to be getting a signed 1st Edition of the new Terry Goodkind book - The Law of Nines next week sometime. This is in part for giving Terry my domain a few months ago. Not that I've heard anything about it after the initial agreement despite a number of emails, so I'm not overly confident..

  7. #87
    Dungeon Master alpha's Avatar
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    Haven't posted here in a while (again) so time for a quick update.

    I finished the War of Powers series (6 novels), which was fairly enjoyable. Nothing ground breaking, but good nonetheless.

    I'm now reading the Dark Elf Trilogy by R. A. Salvatore, which is based in the Forgotten Realms setting. I'm midway through the second book and it's a really compelling story. If I wasn't so busy right now, I probably wouldn't be able to put it down.

  8. #88
    Bok, thanks for suggesting Trudi Trudi Canavan's Black Magician trilogy. I'm on the second book right now and really enjoying it.

    I'm not sure if you have seen but there is prequel coming out at the end of the month:

    The Magician's Apprentice

    Although this is the paperback release so I guess the hard cover might have been out for a while already?


  9. #89
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Actually, I didn't know it was out. I knew she was writing it though

    Thanks for that, I'll pick it up this week. Enjoy book2 and (especially) book3!


  10. #90
    Looks like she has started a new trilogy that picks up after the last now...

    The Ambassador's Mission

  11. #91
    Free-DC Semi-retire gopher_yarrowzoo's Avatar
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    I've Just put down a book "Valley of the Dragons" by Rose Ostrom Rankin, a friend of mine, good book well thought out idea in it, good twists and leaves it open enough for a sequel which I do hope she writes
    Semi-retired from Free-DC...
    I have some time to help.....
    I need a new laptop,but who needs a laptop when you have a phone...
    Now to remember my old computer specs..

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