So my boss owns an HP A6650F desktop computer. It comes factory with a Seagate 500GB SATA drive. Recently, he installed security cameras that feed back to the computer. I suggested, like an idiot, that he add a second hard drive just for the security cameras to record on as to not make the primary drive having to constantly read and write data and eventually murder the drive.

Well, now I'm STUCK. Apparently his computer is setup to already run in f@^#ing RAID mode. I've never messed around with RAID, and I can't seem to get this stupid new hard drive to format for the life of me.

The first one, I thought, was a bad drive out of the box, but now I'm sure that I'm just the one being stupid.

Windows Vista x64 Ultimate recognizes the drive, and also recognizes that it's RAW and needs to be formatted. Every time I try and format the drive (a 1.5TB 3.0 SATA Seagate drive), windows said that it cannot format the drive and to check that it's not read only or whatever. I thought that maybe, MAYBE the problem was that I was running the second drive off of the SATA2 connector on the MB and that it was trying

to run the two drives in parallel, so I tried it in the SATA3 slot and still had the same problem.

I even tried tricking the drive by unplugging the primary (C drive and plugging the new drive in as a primary. Then I ran the Vista install CD again and chose the "Repair Computer" option. Then I opened a DOS prompt and told the drive to format. Once again, it failed. It said something like "First Sector is Bad" then "Sector sector is bad".

There's no way that I picked up TWO bad hard drives from Fry's, and from Seagate none-the-less, is there?!?

For anyone familiar with these setups or anyone who has a solution, please post. I will post more info if you need it. This is definitely getting to this point:

Thanks in advance,