Quote Originally Posted by zombie67 View Post

Stat sites should be completely neutral. Publish everything, and let the users decide. After all, it is up to the users to decide what is "worthwhile". The definition of that word is different for each person.
May I ask if reversing that is equally valid? Let the users (Free-DC membership) decide (perhaps a poll?) and let it land where it lands UNLESS there is a resource and/or technical limit that Bok could inform us of?

If I interpret your '+1' as a vote in the 'Pro' column, then aren't you voting, hence invalidating your own statement? Free-DC, to me, is a team. A TOP-KNOTCH Team with, imho, the best stats in all of DC-land. But, we are a team that competes in projects with others all to advance whatever we are working on. The 'stats' are our instant gratification and metric as to how good we really are in what we do and how/where we have to improve.

I'm not trying to provoke an argument, but may I ask you to consider:

a) we check out the details of the project, even with a test user or two.
b) report and vote whether to participate or not.
c) Let the decision to participate / membership support decide if stats are desired/needed.