Quote Originally Posted by Angus View Post
What about all those people who were running the non-BOINC dNETclients, who were lured into switching to your BOINC wrapper client were not allowed to get credit under their existing dNET account and team, and all the points went to a "yoyo@home" account?

So, "yoyo@home" became a top team on dNET, instead of the users getting the points for their own team.
I explained that already several times.
It must be avoided that a team/user gets credits twice, because there are stats sites (e.g. DV-Vault) which compares projects from both worlds.
So either the team/user gets the credit in the Boinc world (in yoyo@home) or in the non-Boinc world (native dnet stats).

The intention of yoyo@home was to bring new users to the native project (e.g. dnet). Therefore it should be as for other Boinc projects, the team/user stats should be in the Boinc world.
To ensure this I assigned all users in the native project to a dummy team,
- which is NOT listed in DC-Vault,
- which ensures, that I do not assign the useres to our Rechenkraft.net team sometimes in the future.
