The RNA World server migration is completed. Friday evening we started, Sunday around noon the new machine started sending out work units again. So far, we experienced no problems and with an Intel i7-920 Quad-Core, 12 GB of DDR3 RAM and a dual 1.5 TB RAID storage system the new server should not run into database issues again as was the case with the old one. We also changed everything from 32 to 64 bit which required quite some work.

Thanks a lot (!) to all donators and to Yoyo who finally put all of this quickly into practice.

We are currently running a larger set of test work units to check integrity of the system. Then we need to analyze the results in detail, and, if everything runs smoothly, we will start to allow more and more people to participate in a step-wise manner - just as a precaution to avoid server overload.
