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Thread: Question for Howard...or others...

  1. #1
    Stataholic Tyrfang's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Winnipeg MB Canada

    Question for Howard...or others...

    Hit there. I have two questions actually. If I am on a team that does not currently have a leader can I ask to be made leader? Is there any provision for this?

    Question two

    Is it considered bad form to "advertise" for your team in this forum considering that this forum is hosted by Free-DC? I am in hopes of re-activating a team that could be growing.

    Is there anyway to get e-mail addresses for the team members if Advertsing here is frowned on.

    Guess that's four questions actually.


  2. #2
    Senior Member wirthi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Q1: From the "news" section of the homepage:

    You may have noticed that teams now have 'leaders' associated with them. When you create a new team, you are the leader. Leaders can rename the team. For already existing groups, there are no leaders yet. For teams with one member, he/she will be made the leader shortly. For teams with more than one user, please email us with your team number (the number in the URL for your team web page on this site) and the 8 character handle of the person who wishes to become team leader and we will make the change. You will have to decide amongst yourselves who will be the leader. In case of a dispute, we will either wait until you resolve it amongst yourselves, or else make the person who has contributed more the leader. Any teams which have not chosen a leader within several weeks time will be arbitrarily assigned a leader by us, and this again can be changed by contacting us. We think this is the most fair way to handle this issue.
    Q2: I guess one post here won't annoy anybody; just don't get too offensive. Of course, that's just my opinion

    You won't get the E-Mail addresses of your teammates if Howard doesn't tell you. You won't find them on the homepage.

  3. #3
    Private information won't be given out, even to teammates, I am pretty certain of Howard's response on this one.

    In regards to recruiting here, it is generally frowned upon, not because Free-DC hosts the forum (they don't recruit here either) but simply because this is meant as a source of information about the project and not a recruiting forum.

    I don't know if there are any rules set in stone though.

  4. #4
    Stataholic Tyrfang's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Winnipeg MB Canada
    Okay...thanks for the heads up you guys. Ididn't think Howard would be too forthcoming with e-mail addresses, and I don't think I would want him to be.

    Maybe what I'll do is work on a Team page and then make an announcement in here. Then I wouldn't be recruiting as such.

    Thanks for the help!

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