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Thread: Stats are down

  1. #41
    =>Team Joker<= LAURENU2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bok View Post
    I've not heard good things about those PCIe SSD's yet.
    OK try these

    Now I'm starting to want one haha

  2. #42
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    That last review is from 2010. I didn't notice until I saw it up against an OCZ Vertex II and was curious why they didn't compare to the Vertex III instead which has similar performance at ~ 550Mb/s though is a lot cheaper.

  3. #43
    =>Team Joker<= LAURENU2's Avatar
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    Well with a run of 343 years between failures seems like a bargan

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by Bok View Post
    I didn't notice until I saw it up against an OCZ Vertex II and was curious why they didn't compare to the Vertex III instead which has similar performance at ~ 550Mb/s though is a lot cheaper.
    Is the Vertex 3 the one that is not responding? There was a known problem with "panic lock" with the Vertex 2 drives (Sandforce controller), and it may have carried over to some extent to the Vertex 3.

    I have a Vertex 2 that has never locked up in operation, but if I change video cards on the motherboard, the drive is not recognized on the next reboot and I have to go into the BIOS to find it again. So they are definitely temperamental, but work well on the the right motherboard.

  5. #45
    Hey Bok, I posted a message in your profile page regarding a possible solution to the Free-DC site man.

  6. #46
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jim1900 View Post
    Is the Vertex 3 the one that is not responding? There was a known problem with "panic lock" with the Vertex 2 drives (Sandforce controller), and it may have carried over to some extent to the Vertex 3.

    I have a Vertex 2 that has never locked up in operation, but if I change video cards on the motherboard, the drive is not recognized on the next reboot and I have to go into the BIOS to find it again. So they are definitely temperamental, but work well on the the right motherboard.
    Actually no, it was one of the older ones and I don't think it was a problem with the SSD itself given it comes back up just fine. Convinced it's the SATA controller. I spent some time trying to get a VGA cooler on it today but didn't have much luck. See below for further outcome.

    Quote Originally Posted by stinger608
    Hey Bok, I posted a message in your profile page regarding a possible solution to the Free-DC site man.
    I appreciate the offer, but this is the database server. It's the main reason I gave up on a hosted dedicated server many years ago. It *NEEDS* to be a dedicated server. Whilst raw speed doesn't matter that much it certainly helps so a decent core i7 is a must (current one is a core i7-920). Memory is also a necessity to keep the database running well. Current server has 12Gb (which was the max available at the time I built it). It does not run the webpages at all, those are on a separate server. It does all the downloads of stats files, parsing of the xml, mysql updates, ranking etc etc in a schema running on a dedicated SSD. It then replicates all of this into a separate schema running on a different SSD. And it does this a lot.

    As an update for all. I tore apart my windows machine today and replaced the components of the database server with it. Was kind of hoping the OS (CentOS 6.2) would come back up without too much effort but alas it did not and I had to re-install it. Same went for the transplant back to my windows server but then I was expecting that one...

    I'm typing on the windows box right now, so that went fairly smooth.

    The database server is now running a Core i7-2600K with 16Gb Ram (and it will handle 32Gb). And it's running the SSD's on SATAIII fully now which is good. I have most of the packages I need installed, just a few more to go. So tomorrow if all goes well, I'll be pointing the site back here once more and fingers crossed it all works well. I have no spares of anything now which is a little disconcerting as it's the first time in years But I'll deal with that in the coming weeks. I've had about $100 in donations on the last week or so, that will go towards another spare SSD and then the 8Gb Ram chips I think. I did pick up a 1Tb external drive which I have hooked up for secondary backups, maybe get one more of those.

  7. #47
    Talking of donations, how can I donate?

  8. #48
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Until I open the site up again, you can go to

    Appreciate it.

    Another update before I hit the sack. Stats are actually running right now and do appear to be quite a bit faster, mostly. One part is definitely slower and I'm pretty sure that's down to a mysql config I need to correct. Going to let them run overnight and check everything out first thing. After a few more tests then I'll open it up again.. Fingers crossed!

  9. #49
    OK Phil, fifty bucks on its way.

    Last edited by Scribe; 02-28-2012 at 02:08 AM.

  10. #50
    =>Team Joker<= LAURENU2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scribe View Post
    OK Phil, fifty bucks on its way.
    Come on people Give Every Month like I do For The BEST STATS In The World
    Between bandwidth and parts it cost alot for Bok to serve up stats for you
    and you know it takes a lot of his time to do this that he could spend with his Kids

  11. #51
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    They should be up now..

  12. #52
    =>Team Joker<= LAURENU2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bok View Post
    They should be up now..
    Yes Yes Yes they are

  13. #53
    =>Team Joker<= LAURENU2's Avatar
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    OK now that we are back on track again
    Bok Tell us what you need to keep this from happening again
    I know of a few Stat junkie's that were about to end it all
    and you saved them just in the nick of time
    All Hail Bok

  14. #54
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Full backup redundancy But that's not going to happen!

    Realistically, it's hard to tell. If a mobo fails, then it needs replacing, simple as that. I do need to beef up my backup plans a bit. They are about 95% good, but again need some redudancy.

    I'm working on a list of components I need though, not necessarily for prevention but also to beef things up a little.

    List in decreasing priority

    1. 32Gb Ram for the DB server.
    2. 1x120Gb SSD. I'm going to put a dedicated SSD in the webserver and replicate the database to that, this way if the db server goes down, the website will continue (though data will remain static until fixed). I've been testing the replication a bit today and it's fast.
    3. 2x120Gb SSD's as backups in the database server.
    4. External 1Tb or 1.5Tb drive for extra backups.
    5. PSU replacements
    6. Another gigabit switch dedicated between the boxes as they all have 2gigabit ports and I could route traffic directly between them.
    7. Redundant webserver (rsync to it daily and failover if needed)
    8. Redundant database server (much more difficult, possibly in a master-master mysql config)

    1+2 are high priorities for me (I'd shift some of the memory from the current db server into the webserver after getting 1), 3 is pretty much up there too. 4 would be useful but not critical at this stage, same as 5+6. 7+8 are not too practical, just dreams

    I've got about $410 in donations sitting in my paypal account right now which will just about pay for ~ 1+2 1=$239, 2=($139 low end to $199 for the intel 520).

    So, all in all looking pretty good I think. It's definitely quite a bit faster. Had a nasty mysql misconfiguration that I've just fixed which was causing some of the threads to timeout in the stats updates. was only set to the minimum 30 seconds and considering some of the updates take 100+ seconds, it breaks the connection in the script. So there might be some data oddities, they'll fix in the next few cycles though.

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