Quote Originally Posted by Bok View Post
I fixed the subproject data, but I need help with updating the descriptions if anyone can help with that. It has to be shortish as it appears in the badges. This is what I have it set to currently.

mysql> select * from boinc_subproj;
| proj  | subproject                      | descr       |
| pgrid | PPS_LLR                         | NULL        |
| pgrid | PSP_LLR                         | PSP         |
| pgrid | The Riesel Problem (LLR)        | Riesel      |
| pgrid | 321_LLR                         | 321         |
| pgrid | 321_sr2sieve                    | 321_sieve   |
| pgrid | AP26                            | AP26        |
| pgrid | CUL                             | CUL         |
| pgrid | GCWSIEVE                        | GCW         |
| pgrid | PPS_sr2sieve                    | PPS_Sr2     |
| pgrid | Project Staging Area            | PSA         |
| pgrid | PSP_sr2sieve                    | PSP_sr2     |
| pgrid | Seventeen or Bust               | SOB         |
| pgrid | Sophie Germain Search           | SGS         |
| pgrid | The Riesel Problem (Sieve)      | RieselSieve |
| pgrid | TPS                             | TPS         |
| pgrid | TPS_195000                      | TPS_195000  |
| pgrid | TPS_333333                      | TPS_333333  |
| pgrid | WOO                             | WOO         |
| pgrid | Generalized Fermat Prime Search | GFPS        |
| yoy   | crunch                          | OGR         |
| yoy   | ecm                             | ECM         |
| yoy   | euler625                        | Euler       |
| yoy   | evolutionathome                 | Evo         |
| yoy   | evorobots                       | EvoRobots   |
| yoy   | harmtrees                       | HarmTrees   |
| yoy   | muon                            | Muon        |
26 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Hi Bok

Please change the description for:
PPS_sr2sieve from PPS_Sr2 to PPS_Sieve
PSP_sr2sieve from PSP_sr2 to PSP_Sieve