You might look into the Intel X25-E SSDs. These have the SLC flash and the 64GB version is rated for around 2 Petabytes of writes. I have seen these go on E-bay with low writes for around $100 a piece. In general, the enterprise grade SSDs come overprovisioned from the factory.

If you have sufficient memory, eliminate the swap file all together. I never use swap files any more since memory costs very little. Have syslogd and other logging daemons write to non-SSD based storage. You could mount a partition on a hard disk to /var/log for example or mount /var/log to a remote system with NFS. With a high traffic website, I can see log files growing rapidly.

You can also check the number of writes that your Intel SSD has sustained using smartctl.

smartctl -a /dev/sda (replace sda with the appropriate device name matching the SSD that you want to check)

Intel has a field called Host_Writes_32MiB. Multiple the returned value by 32 to get the amount of megabytes written to the SSD. The SSDs with MLC flash are fairly limited in writes and I can see a database like the one hosting your site wearing the flash out fairly quick. Almost all the consumer grade SSDs have MLC or TLC flash.

If you have a RAID array, you may also want to setup a hot spare.
