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Thread: Stats website not logging me in

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Stats website not logging me in

    I'm in Win 7 x64. I've tried logging into the forums with FF, IE, and Chrome, and I've checked remember me in each. Yet when i open the stats page in another tab, it keeps saying I'm not logged in. I have deleted all my cookies, in all browsers, and tried again. Still no go.

  2. #2
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    It's working now. I guess it needed about 10-15mins once I made a forum account to work properly

  3. #3
    Free-DC Semi-retire gopher_yarrowzoo's Avatar
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    We have the stats paged in a partly cached to save a bit on server load as there are a few pages that are popular so saves us on DB access mainly, and lets us do background fixes on the fly without them breaking things hopefully...
    Semi-retired from Free-DC...
    I have some time to help.....
    I need a new laptop,but who needs a laptop when you have a phone...
    Now to remember my old computer specs..

  4. #4
    Different user, similar problem, except that it hasn't gone away. Windows 7/64. I've tried Chrome and IE-9 browsers. Cleared cookies. Logged into forum with "remember me" checked. Two days have passed, and the pages other than forum indicate that I am "not logged in".

    Any thoughts?

    -- Carl

  5. #5
    Free-DC Semi-retire gopher_yarrowzoo's Avatar
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    You tried with Firefox? that works for me.
    Semi-retired from Free-DC...
    I have some time to help.....
    I need a new laptop,but who needs a laptop when you have a phone...
    Now to remember my old computer specs..

  6. #6
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    I use Chrome all the time Goph, so it's not that. Hmm.

  7. #7
    Free-DC Semi-retire gopher_yarrowzoo's Avatar
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    Works for me now, weird, works in safari too, so no idea on this one..
    Semi-retired from Free-DC...
    I have some time to help.....
    I need a new laptop,but who needs a laptop when you have a phone...
    Now to remember my old computer specs..

  8. #8
    Forget this previous statement:
    Any special ports or protocols involved that corporate America may object to?
    I'll install Firefox and try that.
    Am I doing this right? I registered for the forums, logged into the forums, then (either from the same tab or a new tab), I switch to "stats". It should show me as logged in, right? Instead, it shows "not logged in" in the upper left corner.
    It has started working (or I stumbled over the right clicks), and I can now start building a stats page.

    I had no idea there were so many projects!

  9. #9
    Yeah It's not working for me either... I set up a Forum account, and it doesn't show my stats, nor does it appears as "logged in" on the main stats page (even when I log into the forums and use a new tab.
    Of course I have no idea how you guys link to someone's stats without asking a new member to provide their CPUID ?

    Unless there's a spot for that I may be missing...

    so though I can post in forums, and check my Free-Dc stats from a project's page, I cannot see my stats here automagically unless I search for me.

    edit... I'm using win 7 64bit current, Firefox current and tried with and without add ons and extensions - even safe mode lol and no joy.

  10. #10
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    If you go into statstool and enter your cpid, then if you remain logged in on the forum (with Remember Me checked) it should show you as logged in on the stats page and there is a link for CPID page which will go to your own CPID page.

  11. #11
    ahhh... Thanks Bok.
    I have to say though a wiki might be useful... If there is one, I was completely stumped trying to find it
    I put my CPID in and clicked the update beside it but it doesn't "stick" unless you click the "other" update buttons elsewhere... Twas a bit confusing *smiles*

    Now I'm logged in and tracked as expected thanks to your pointing in the right direction...

  12. #12
    When I go to the stats page there is not link to log in and there is no log-in form. how do i log in. I'm using firefox and IE.

  13. #13
    When I update CPID in statstool config, I only get back the same empty page. Can you please help me?

  14. #14
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    I will take a look at this tomorrow.

  15. #15
    Thanks - have a good night

  16. #16
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    The button by the cpid field is not an update and I'm thinking you were pressing that? It's actually very misleading, I haven't looked here for a long time. It's supposed to refresh all the other values based on your cpid.

    If you change your cpid and then scroll back to the top and hit the 'update' button there it should work.

    We'll be revamping the page completely soon anyway.
    Last edited by Bok; 08-27-2013 at 03:51 PM.

  17. #17
    Hello Bok,

    I tried this before - the page remains empty.
    Now when I look at "Your CPID page", my stats are shown - but when I look at "Your page" or "Your STATS page", it's empty.

  18. #18
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Do you get a 'Logged in as Roadranner' in the top left part of the stats page ? (Under the 4 flags).

    If not, please logout of the forum, then log back in again, but make sure you check the 'keep me logged in' box as that is what creates the cookie that the stats looks at. Then try the stats again.

  19. #19
    I get 'Logged in as Roadranner' and I checked the 'Remember me' box.

    To answer some of your possible questions:
    - I tried Firefox, IE and Opera
    - I tried on 2 PCs in different Locations

  20. #20
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    your cpid is certainly saved into the correct place in the database, so at this point I'm going to have to use some logging to see why it's not displaying the correct link for you. I will PM you with some details.

  21. #21
    I just tried the link you sent to me and it worked.
    I hope you can get helpful information from your logs.

    Just saw another (minor) bug: I changed beginning of the week to 'Monday' but in Calender week starts with 'Sunday'...

  22. #22
    The calendar problem seems to be solved, but I still get an empty page at 'Your STATS'.
    Could you see something about it in the logs?

  23. #23
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Does the link for 'CPID page' correctly point to you own page at least ?

    I know why the other one doesn't work. To be honest I rarely use that page at all as I don't do any nonBOINC projects any longer and that's all it's for. Do you do nonBOINC ?

  24. #24
    The CPID-page shows my values - if I know that the other one won't work I can use it instead. At the moment I don't do any nonBOINC projects. But it isn't impossible to run one or two in future.
    And because I'm an IT-Pro, I'm interested why the link won't work (only in a few words).

    Thanks in advance

  25. #25
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    I'll fix it for you in the morning. It's just because when you entered your details in statstool, it didn;t create a true profile, which is needed to link nonboinc projects together seeing as they don;t have the concept of a CPID.

  26. #26
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    I think I misunderstood this. It is correctly linking to your page, but the page itself is empty because you haven't setup any of your project id's within statstool. I added one for you for abc@home where your id is 143016, take a look now. Then try adding more id's on statstool.

  27. #27
    Then I misunderstood how to proceed - I thought with entering my CPID my projects would appear in the STATS.
    Now it seems that my problem is solved! :-)
    Thank you very much for helping

  28. #28
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    yeah, that's why I wouldn't use teammain if you are just doing BOINC projects, use the userbycpid page instead.

  29. #29
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    Sorry but can I add my account not working either. Has been working fine until a couple of weeks ago now won;t log me into STATs despite being logged into thje forum. Haven't really chnaged anything in the interim so a little confused. Config stats just sends me to log in to the forum and all the stats pages (including CPID) are empty.

    On a Mac using FF 23.0.1

    Cheers Spocky

  30. #30
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Do you check the 'Keep me logged in' box when logging into the forum?

  31. #31
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    Ahh thats whats happened. I use 1Password for security and it doesn't keep me logged in.

    Issue resolved.

    Thanks Bok

  32. #32
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    actualizo mi cpid , pero no ingresa a estadísticas

    solo si entro directamente.
    al explorador?

    que debo hacer?

  33. #33
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    English please.

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